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Police taser blind man

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I find it tiresome that people can be shot for the crime of being Brazilian or carrying a chair leg myself.


Not that that actually matters. A constable is give a warrant that give him or her immense powers over the average citizen and it's up to them to excercise that power with care. If they fail to do so then they should face the music. Wihtout having been there though I find it very hard to see how you can mistake a cane being used by a blind man for a samurai sword.


Until we have Robocop who is incapable of error these things will happen. It's whether you're some anti police nutter who believes they run around twirling their moustaches looking for innocents to kill or someone who accepts that errors will occur without pre meditated evil. At present you sound like the former.

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Bearing in mind the copper has been told by an eyewitness that it is a sword and he won't want to waste time or take a risk by walking up close to examine it he probably did the best thing for his own safety. There is youtube footage of cops being attacked by people with machetes and swords, watching that might make it clearer why this copper had a shoot first, ask questions later approach.


I see blind people with white sticks quite regularly whilst driving, and at 40 MPH whilst looking at everything that is happing around me, a blind person with a white stick looks like a blind people with white stick and not samurai wielding nutter.


But I wasn't there so I will concede that the officer made an easy to make error in judgment, and that it could have happened to anyone.

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No, you're the stupid one. Without being there I give the copper the benefit of the doubt. There are variables like the angle from which the victim was seen, the lighting and the fact that the copper had no reason to disbelieve the eyewitness who assured him it was a sword.


A stupid person reads words on a page and soaks them up like a plant sap without question. You weren't there therefore you're in no position to judge armchair general.


And neither were you, but you're satisfied it was a sword; all I can think of is that you've never seen a blind person. The bloke shouted when on floor I'm blind, yet they still handcuffed him, just as well he didn't have a gun the copper or he'd have shot him.


Oh and a stupid person, believes everything the police say, oh I own 3 samurai swords & noway can they be mistaken for a white stick

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The point I'm making is the media can distort or sensationalise things, a rather barmy notion I know.


There was a story doing the rounds a few years ago about two PCSO's in Manchester who watched a child drown in a few feet of water and didn't dive in because of elf n' safety. The amount of thickies who repeated that was amazing. The truth was different e.g. the child was already dead when they found him and the water was dangerous, being on unsafe former industrial ground or similar, not a paddling pool.

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And neither were you, but you're satisfied it was a sword; all I can think of is that you've never seen a blind person. The bloke shouted when on floor I'm blind, yet they still handcuffed him, just as well he didn't have a gun the copper or he'd have shot him.


Oh and a stupid person, believes everything the police say, oh I own 3 samurai swords & noway can they be mistaken for a white stick


All the police have said is they tasered him based on an eyewitness report. The media says the rest.


I never said I was satisfied it was a sword. You'll be hunting 'paedfils' next.


I believe the cop tazered him because he had reason to believe the man had a weapon with him. Not that he thought "well clearly I can see he has only a white stick on him but I like tasering people so here goes heh heh"


Which is clearly what you believe which kind of proves you're stupid in my opinion. That and the fact you soak up the story without question. Give me strength.

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No, you're the stupid one. Without being there I give the copper the benefit of the doubt. There are variables like the angle from which the victim was seen, the lighting and the fact that the copper had no reason to disbelieve the eyewitness who assured him it was a sword.


A stupid person reads words on a page and soaks them up like a plant sap without question. You weren't there therefore you're in no position to judge armchair general.


If this is the case then no-one will ever comment on anything not witnessed.The forum will be rather sterile.

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Until we have Robocop who is incapable of error these things will happen. It's whether you're some anti police nutter who believes they run around twirling their moustaches looking for innocents to kill or someone who accepts that errors will occur without pre meditated evil. At present you sound like the former.


That's OK. I notice that you are the one resorting to insults immediatly you cannot come up with a sensible argument.


So someone with a white stick shouldn't carry one in case the police mistake it for a sword? Or they should accept the fact that they may get shot without warning or tasered just because the police an't be bothered to do their jobs right?


That's not acceptable to me nor I suspect to them. There are a lot more white cane users in the average town than samuri sword wielders. As well as them, there are other people with thin long objects, like I dunno, people with a broken ankle, or a boy scout, or someone who is generally infirm, or a litter picker... you know lots of people... should all these people really have to run the risk of being tasered just because someone os so incompetent they cannot see what's being carried?

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If this is the case then no-one will ever comment on anything not witnessed.The forum will be rather sterile.


Well much of the debate on SF is on Clegg for example, the opinons rage but people only know certain parts of the tale. That's enough. On something like this I expect its more complicated than it sounds. Nobody has considered that a sword seen from a certain angle at a distance would resemble a thin white line. People seem to assume that it has to be wielded Raiders of the Lost Ark style before the taser could be used.


This thread reminds me of that scene from Extras where Millman tells his agent and Barry that the press lie and the two thickies just look at him quizzically and Millman is amazed at their naivete.

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