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Drop in Inflation rates 2.2%

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I really do not give a damn about the economy, I just want the stolen money back and for me to retire at 60 too. Why shouldn't we give the youngsters a chance instead of hogging jobs into our senile years?:roll:


oh right, so you dont care what happens to the economy or what might be the result of what you are demanding, you just care about the money now. figures.

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oh right, so you dont care what happens to the economy or what might be the result of what you are demanding, you just care about the money now. figures.


Why should not we get the money that we have paid in for? Are you siding with this thieving government? To hell with politicians and the economy, just give us OUR OWN money you thieves!:)

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THe banks are insolvent, money printing is NOT making its value fall at all, employment is at an all time high, and at last we are on the first rung of the hyper inflation ladder,n thought we would never reach it for a year or so.


Food, fuel, energy, are things we all use, so the price of a TV has fallen thus helping to make the reality of inflation disappear. Lets pretend that everything is getting better, the banks are not gangsters holding countries to ransome, and our government is not run by the corporate world, influence is not bought here, as we are British!


In the land of the blind the one eyed monster is king!

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That does not make the fact that the filth are thieving £30 something thousand off us!:mad:

If it had been France the retirement age would have decreased to 60 for men, but this rip off lot go the other way. What an excellent way to increase unemployment for youngsters!


For it to be theft it would have to have been yours in the first place.

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THe banks are insolvent, money printing is NOT making its value fall at all

Making 'it' the value of money fall?

employment is at an all time high

It's falling actually.

and at last we are on the first rung of the hyper inflation ladder

What, the falling rate of inflation is the start of hyper inflation?


Food, fuel, energy, are things we all use, so the price of a TV has fallen thus helping to make the reality of inflation disappear.

This has always been how inflation is calculated, using a range of items.

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For it to be theft it would have to have been yours in the first place.


It was ours in the first place. My wife had paid into the system for her to receive a pension from 60 for almost 40 years. The deal was that she paid into the system and received a pension from it from the age of 60.....NOT 66.

This lot are thus thieving the money that she has "saved" for through her contributions. They moved the goalposts in the latter years!

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It wasn't.


She wasn't at the point where she had claimed the pension, the rules were changed. It was never hers.


The change wasn't handled as well as it could have been, but it was legal. I don't think anyone within a few years of claiming their pension should suddenly have it shifted 5 or 6 years further away. But it wasn't theft.


NI contributions were never to pay for your own pension, they pay the pension of those already retired and the future contributions pay yours once you retire.

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All prices are shooting up well above the rate of inflation. The only things that aren't are peoples' wages. Something will have to give. Now is the winter of our discontent.
"Now is the winter of our discontent"..................bet you can't wait for that!
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It wasn't.


She wasn't at the point where she had claimed the pension, the rules were changed. It was never hers.


The change wasn't handled as well as it could have been, but it was legal. I don't think anyone within a few years of claiming their pension should suddenly have it shifted 5 or 6 years further away. But it wasn't theft.


NI contributions were never to pay for your own pension, they pay the pension of those already retired and the future contributions pay yours once you retire.



No matter what you say they stole her right to a pension at 60 that she had paid for over many years. They are thieving scum.:)

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