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Immunotherapy does it work?

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Has anybody had this for any allergies they might have. I seem to have developed a "central heating" allergy now. When the heating goes on at this time of year, whether its a combination of that, dust and pet hair I don't know. I have to do something cos its driving me mad, can't breathe, itching throat, eyes just like hayfever really. Tried taking antihistimine but that doesnt work. Read that immunotherapy can work, they inject you with said allergen starting with a low dose then gradually building it up so eventually you build up a resistance to the allergen. Is it worth trying?:huh:

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Well I do have a dog but we have had her for 7 months and not had a problem, we had a dog for nearly 8 years previous to this, also not a problem, will have to find out what it is but cant get rid of dog, will have to put up with if thats the case.

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Will your GP run an 'Allergy Panel' blood test for you? (Not the older exam, where they inject you intra-dermally with a whole host of things and see which one(s) cause a reaction.) - You can get a blood test which checks for allergies to about 10 common allergens.


If he will, that might identify the problem. (I had one last year and the answer was 'whatever it is, it's not on the list':sad:)


I wake up every morning with a runny nose and streaming eyes. I take a claritin tablet and 2 hours later the problem has gone away. - Until the next day.

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Has anybody had this for any allergies they might have. I seem to have developed a "central heating" allergy now. When the heating goes on at this time of year, whether its a combination of that, dust and pet hair I don't know. I have to do something cos its driving me mad, can't breathe, itching throat, eyes just like hayfever really. Tried taking antihistimine but that doesnt work. Read that immunotherapy can work, they inject you with said allergen starting with a low dose then gradually building it up so eventually you build up a resistance to the allergen. Is it worth trying?:huh:


Could it just be dry air? My grandmother used to get this and the doc reckoned it was just that the CH was making the air too dry. She hung some wet towels on the radiators and that sorted it, so she bought a humidifier, problem solved.

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Most British systems are water-filled radiators, so unlike the 'ducted air' systems common in the States they don't usually suffer from dust/bacteria/moulds.


If the OP has the same problem at the same time each year, then as there are few pollens around in the UK at this time of year, it may be something else in the environment.


Do the problems last all winter (or until you turn the heating off)? - Or do they go away after a few weeks?

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Most British systems are water-filled radiators, so unlike the 'ducted air' systems common in the States they don't usually suffer from dust/bacteria/moulds.


If the OP has the same problem at the same time each year, then as there are few pollens around in the UK at this time of year, it may be something else in the environment.


Do the problems last all winter (or until you turn the heating off)? - Or do they go away after a few weeks?


Seems the clear up after a day or so ,then it's ok for the rest of the winter, well still some dust around...but that's my fault :(

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Has anybody had this for any allergies they might have. I seem to have developed a "central heating" allergy now. When the heating goes on at this time of year, whether its a combination of that, dust and pet hair I don't know. I have to do something cos its driving me mad, can't breathe, itching throat, eyes just like hayfever really. Tried taking antihistimine but that doesnt work. Read that immunotherapy can work, they inject you with said allergen starting with a low dose then gradually building it up so eventually you build up a resistance to the allergen. Is it worth trying?:huh:


You really can't do much about this allergy until you isolate what's causing it. Although you say you have had dogs for years, it's perfectly feasible to develop an alergy to them (or anything else) at any time!

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