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Rip off prices for food and drink at football grounds.

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I had this discussion with a friend who is an Arsenal fan recently.


He lives in Derbyshire.


He's originally from Kent though.


But there is the clue.


(I could get shot here for being 'racist').


Having worked recently in areas local to Arsenal, areas that a club would traditionally see support come from (within say a few miles of the ground), you certainly don't see too many faces in the Emirates crowd on tv that look local.


It's as though Arsenal are not that bothered about who is on their doorstep. They know they can capture a more expensive crowd from the wider surrounding areas - home county boys. Even folk in Kent/Derbyshire. So why bother with locals that can't afford to pay.


So it sounds like the traditional thing of supporting your local club, and a thing of the past (in lots of cases), and has become 'elitist'. :loopy:

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So it sounds like the traditional thing of supporting your local club, and a thing of the past (in lots of cases), and has become 'elitist'. :loopy:


Yup, Until the next fad comes along and real supporters are left to pick up the pieces.

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Why do you have to eat in the ground?


If you know you're going to be hungry in the two hours you're there, eat either before or after, it's not hard.


I really don't know why people complain. I used to have a season ticket at the lane and never once bought a pie or anything there because I'd always go to KFC or something afterwards.


If you're so bad at planning that you suddenly find yourself hungry at a game then that's your own fault.

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Well here we go! the moral of this story has got to be pure greed, as per usual in this country, Fat cat bosses, Bankers, Politicians, ect, but it always falls on the working mans toes, overpriced beer, fags, entertainment like the cinema, bowling, swimming, skating, the rip off list is endless, I hate to say this but the Germans have got it right.:gag:

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Its the "captive audience " syndrome . The same as motorway service areas, cinemas and big concert arenas. They know if you need food, drink or fuel , you have to buy it from them ,so know they can charge what they want as they have no competition form other outlets .


The simple solution is if everyone stops buying anything from these places ,and they will soon have to drop their prices and stop ripping people off.

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Prices have increased 11.7 percent in the last 12 months.

Full list of prices here...



Sheffield United lost £13.6 million last year.


Mandaric has put over £40 million in to Wednesday.


Arsenal are about the only sustainably funded Premier League club and they don't pay shareholder dividends.


Not a lot of money is going to shareholders.

But I see that the cheapest pies in all four divisions are those at Huddersfield Town and the selfsame Sheffield United (@ £10 each).

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