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White 1960s/70s building, fulwood road?!!


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U probably mean The Post House hotel.Built around 1964.It was originally The Hallam Towers.It was closed about 3 years ago supposedly as it was unsafe and was to make way for - yet more - flats but has lain empty since.Every xmas there were 3 flashing xmas trees up the front which could be seen for miles.:help:

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If it was built in 1964, that would make sense prior to the World Cup in 1966 when many teams stayed there. The Australian cricket team used to stay there. One reason it was popular was that teams could go down to Endcliffe Park for a work out.

I think when it closed, it had become a Holiday Inn.

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Yes, its being built for the World Cup of 1966 makes sense.


As my brother says (Rockyblade) it opened as the Hallam Tower Hotel (part of Trust House Forte I believe) and later became known as The Hallam Tower Post House Hotel (the signs on top of the hotel were in red and white whereas as plain old Hallam Tower the signs were in white letters).


As Chairboys says, it finally became part of Holiday Inn prior to its closure.


As a landmark it has quite sentimental value and I would be quite angry to see it go (alas, that day will no doubt come once it's left long enough to become an eyesore so the developers can claim their new apartments and 'luxury' houses will improve the area). As a child we used to call it Nanan and Grandad's Building as we used to pass it to get to my grandparents' every weekend.


I recall the AA, RAC and English Tourist Board (?) signs, lit up, on the wall at the Fulwood Road entrance. Its restaurant became popular getting quite a good reputation and it later had a decent Health Suite of which my late, dear father was a member.


This is how I remember it, but I may, of course, be wrong. As I have stated before, I would dearly love to see some old photos and brochures of the place from the 1960s and 1970s.

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i'm quite surprised its not listed as it is quite a landmark. I've often noticed it from across psalter lane way, but hadn't seen it up close til last sunday. its just perfect as architecture of that era goes, the way its front is on stilts so it reaches out from the hillside is fascinating. it would be a shame to let it go.

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Originally posted by Ousetunes



I recall the AA, RAC and English Tourist Board (?) signs, lit up, on the wall at the Fulwood Road entrance. Its restaurant became popular getting quite a good reputation and it later had a decent Health Suite of which my late, dear father was a member.


Ousetunes you are right about the restaurant, we had a number of family 'do's' there (21st's, anniversaries etc) and I remember people remarking how good the food and service was.


If I remember at the time there used to be a restaurant review in The Star on a saturday nights - the guy who wrote them went there and raved about it - thats why we went in the first place. Had a good bar as well.


My sister used to live at the top of Abbey Lane (Woodseats end) and her back garden looked out over to Ranmoor - it was always impressive to see the "Christmas Tree" on the side of the hotel light up - I am sure it did it in stages.

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I was having a drink in the Hallam Towers in August, 1971. Familiar sounds came from the other end of the bar. The inimitable Eddie Waring and Stuart Hall doing one of his laughs. They were in town for Its a Knockout.

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