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MPs renting out their taxpayer funded homes to each other.

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Probelm is that a lot of those 60 million acres already belong to someone who probably rather likes them.....


If you want some land go and buy some


Of, steal it. Like the landed gentry did before you.

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Probelm is that a lot of those 60 million acres already belong to someone who probably rather likes them.....


If you want some land go and buy some


I would like for the commons to be returned, the ancestral lands that were stolen!

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I would like for the commons to be returned, the ancestral lands that were stolen!


But that is simply not going to happen, so seeing as it is important to you, why not set a legitimate example and do as you claim you wish to do?

Buy some land, build a house and grow all your own food


Or is it just pie-in-the-sky idealism?


I've already told you where a house can be bought for C £20k

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In the words of all of the tax-avoider defenders.


"They are doing nothing illegal. Wouldn't you do it too if you could. It is up to someone to write better rules/laws if they want to stop it"


I believe none of the above, by the way. In my opinion, it is high time that those who benefit most from society began to set a strong moral lead.


And in mine. The lack of perception of how these actions come across to the voters is astounding.

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