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Can Anyone Live Without Alcohol??

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Thank you for the links on the alcohol damage.


Has anyone conducted research into the effects of drinking mead in excess :D

I just wondered as there are quite obviously a lot of 'modern' ingredients now used in the making of beer, larger, wine and spirits and I wondered if this had any baring on the amount of damage it can cause the body.


Moon Maiden

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well, I doubt there's much research into mead because it is quite an unusual drink.


But you are right in pointing out that most over the counter alcohol these days is stuffed with additives to make it last longer, stay fizzy etc.


Although these do not contribute directly to the damage to your brain and liver as much as alcohol, these congeners are widely believed to be the cause of bad hangovers (that and dehydration due to alcohol's diuretic effect.


But alcohol is a toxic substance that happens to get us inebriated, whichever form it takes. Taken in excess (200mg/dl) the alcohol in mead is just as damaging, but if you have made it yourself, there are probably going to be less congeners.

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Originally posted by GazB

Define scum.. as I certainly have no problem walking down those roads at any time of any night :loopy:


Sorry to be a bit rude, but you need to take your head out of your own rear end.


Nice one...Saying ive got my head up my own rear end while simultaneously asking me what I actually mean.


By scum, I mean those who turn violent when drunk...Its a very small minority and its not a big problem in sheffield but those people are what keep me from drinking like that.


Perhaps you should take yours out of our yours before getting insulting?

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I'm not being insulting..


You can't be serious about West St and Division Street being full of scum though.. I've never once seen a fight on either of those, main reason being it's a student hotspot. Students are generally of a friendly nature as they are out to enjoy themselves and take their mind of studies etc.. not get their heads kicked in.

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Originally posted by GazB

I'm not being insulting..


You can't be serious about West St and Division Street being full of scum though.. I've never once seen a fight on either of those, main reason being it's a student hotspot. Students are generally of a friendly nature as they are out to enjoy themselves and take their mind of studies etc.. not get their heads kicked in.


I didnt say they were full of scum...Generally Sheffield is an extremely nice and friendly place. Ive certainly had no real problems here. Maybe it was bad wording on my part.


They are still there though...maybe you havent, but I have seen fights there. The violent drunks are still there even if they dont start fights, arguing, threatening people...I reckon one of the main reasons theres so few fights is the doorstaff on pretty much every door in the area and the excellent police coverage down there.

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Yeah I've noticed alot more bobby's on the beat around Town recently. About time as well.. will stop all the 15- 17 year olds that think they're big men because they can get into the odd club and drink.. they're the ones that start fighting, because they can't handle their drink.

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Having persperationally participated in hard day's graft, I am now happily settled at my keyboard together with a snuggly, wuggly can of reassuringly expensive continental beer sitting happily on my desk.


I ask you: how can one even contemplate burgling a decent, hard-working man of this unique pleasure?


Alas, I fear I may go wayward and open a second can later.

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