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Griffin accused of bullying

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Can a publican still decide not to serve someone if he doesn't want to..for whatever reason?


Yes. They can.


However, if they choose to state their reason (they don't have to), and that reason is because someone is gay, black, gypsy, female, too old etc. then they will fall foul of the law.

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Yes I agree, these people have been asked to compromise their beliefs and their morals..( however wrong anyone thinks they are) these were their beliefs and their rights whatever...


One thing I don't get is why religious beliefs have such a pedestal that no one can criticise or doubt them. There are even laws to protect them. I really don't understand it.


Let's not forget, this is prejudice and bigotry, against two holiday makers, based on a belief in something that there is no evidence of existing. Those last six words there are important. There is no evidence, at all, that god exists, yet, despite that, people can try to use that belief in something they can't prove to justify homophobia, and even killing people (not here of course).


To make it worse, religious beliefs are protected by law. I genuinely don't understand why. Would my belief in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or a small green alien called Bob be equally protected? Of course it wouldn't, but what's the difference. Lots of people believe in Santa, millions in fact. Does that make it a protectable belief?


I find it all very odd.

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Yes I agree, these people have been asked to compromise their beliefs and their morals..( however wrong anyone thinks they are) these were their beliefs and their rights whatever...


I wonder what would happen if this gay couple tried to book again, is it as some reporter said in a newspaper maybe they got wind of the b/b owners beliefs and decided to prove a point?


They haven't been asked to compromise their beliefs at all. They are fully able to refuse to have gays or blacks or muslims or Wednesday fans or anyone else they don't like sleeping in their home. They have chosen to turn their home into a business which is subject as all businesses are to a variety of legislation, including anti-discrimination legislation. So clearly their beliefs were less important than money to them, which is fine. As long as they don't then whine that people are trampling on their right to discriminate against people in their own home when they've sold that right by turning it into a business.

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They haven't been asked to compromise their beliefs at all. They are fully able to refuse to have gays or blacks or muslims or Wednesday fans or anyone else they don't like sleeping in their home. They have chosen to turn their home into a business which is subject as all businesses are to a variety of legislation, including anti-discrimination legislation. So clearly their beliefs were less important than money to them, which is fine. As long as they don't then whine that people are trampling on their right to discriminate against people in their own home when they've sold that right by turning it into a business.


It really is that simple.

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Thats hilarious :hihi:

I bet they look ridiculous. All in the name of religion tho so i guess its ok.


Are there not any health and safety issues here?and of course the water being contaminated by their clothes.I wouldnt fancy going in the water after them.

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Are there not any health and safety issues here?and of course the water being contaminated by their clothes.I wouldnt fancy going in the water after them.


Before commenting on this post I thought I would just check your other posts on other threads to try and work out if you are joking and adopting a position of arch sarcasm in order to highlight and challenge intolerance and ignorance. Your suggestion that the UK should perhaps adopt the politics of National Socialism leads me to suspect that you are not. Oh dear.

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