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Griffin accused of bullying

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No. We are here to criticise Griffin. I have. You haven't.


To say you're in the Labour Party you have very few politics or at least you express very few politics on here. You're input into political debates is nothing more than shoot-the-messenger if the message is anti-Labour. You just defend a machine but never tell us why that machine's politics are so great.




I have criticised the BNP and Griffin many times you plonker. You let your mask slip the other day in your 'Simon Hughes Bermondsey like moment' in your criticism of Clive Betts.


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Glad you've brought it back to the point of the thread. His tweets are even more peculiar given that not so long ago he was claiming to have made the BNP even more 'gay friendly':http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2010/03/23/exclusive-nick-griffin-claims-to-have-made-bnp-more-gay-friendly/



I thought Griffin was once rumoured to be a plum-duff?

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