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Griffin accused of bullying

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Oh so am I, but to praise them for saying they will do something is a little naive. Save the praise for when they actually do the deed. We all know how valuable words are.


I dont expect the payment will be reported so I am anticipating;don't confuse naivete with a trusting nature.Let me know when they dont pay and I will buy you a Vimto.

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You have the insight of a simpleton.:cool:


I have criticised the BNP and Griffin many times you plonker. You let your mask slip the other day in your 'Simon Hughes Bermondsey like moment' in your criticism of Clive Betts.



I thought Griffin was once rumoured to be a plum-duff?


Could you make your point without using insults and homophobic rhyming slang?

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I was thinking more in general about how the left wing dont confront Muslims on gay and womens issues.


Labour MP's and councilors were alongside Muslims against the EDL last weekend, calling the EDL fascists etc. The irony. :hihi:


Well as I see it white British homophobia and sexism has quite rightly been gradually legislated away, and patriarchy etc in British society is under constant attack from the left, but Muslims seem left to get on with it.


Lets face it the left are apologists for Muslims conservative attitudes for some wierd reason.


Genuine question - do you believe that all Muslims are the same?


If you mean some Muslims and not all Muslims it might be an idea to say so.

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I have criticised the BNP and Griffin many times you plonker. You let your mask slip the other day in your 'Simon Hughes Bermondsey like moment' in your criticism of Clive Betts.



Are you saying I only criticised Betts because he's gay? I criticised Betts because he supported the invasion of Iraq and many other right wing New Labour projects. I also pointed out that his partner had tried to edit out of his Wikipedia page the fact that Betts was suspended from the Commons for 7 days in 2003 for "irregularities involving the employment and visa of Jose Gasparo, a Brazilian student with previous experience as a male escort" (the unedited quote from Betts' Wikipedia page). That has nothing to do with homophobia but with Labour Party corruption.


I see in the latest edition of Private Eye there is an aticle about Shaun Wright (who describes himself on his website as a South Yorkshire family man just so you can't come back with any accusations of homophobia), Labour's candidate at the Police Commissioner elections next month, pointing out that Wright was Rotherham MBC cabinet member for children and young people's services from 2005 to 2010 when the council was doing little about the paedophilia it knew about. Wright was also on the Police Authority from 2010 to 2012 when again little was done about the matter.


The article is on page 13 of the new Private Eye. I'll post a link to the article when and if it appears on PE's website.

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It's funny how he accused me of homophobia by criticising Clive Betts' voting record in parliament and then used the expression plum-duff.


Without wishing to speak for wednesday, I think he was highlighting Griffin's apparent hypocrisy and hoisting him by his own pitard in a playful fashion.

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