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How do you publicly name and shame a company legally?

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start by registering [companyname]sucks.com if you can, plonk a blog on there, and start writing.


The pen is mightier than the sword, but those that live by the pen die by the pen. So yeah, be warned - you won't get legal aid to defend yourself in a libel or defamation case against you....


If it's a local company, get some nice stickers printed up, and start sticking them around the place. It may not make any difference, but speaking from personal experience, it's immensely satisfying.


Alternatively, picket their premises with nice blowups of your evidence on placards and make your grievances known, as politely and pleasantly as possible to anyone visiting them. Avoid causing an obstruction, or harassing people, and it might be worth notifying the local constabulary to emphasise that you're not interested in law breaking, but exercising your right to peacefully protest and demonstrate.



It is a national Newspaper :(


How would i go about starting a blog up?

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My answer to the original question would be - extremely carefully!


Bear in mind that defamation is very easy to fall foul of, and late developments have taken away the defence of true statement to some extent. Basically, even if what you say is entirely true, there can arguably still be a defamation case. That's not my field of law, but I know that you need to be very, very careful with this sort of thing.


We had a client sue a paper once - the Daily Mail in fact - for defamation. The costs in the case were scary, as when you're talking suing national papers, you're looking at involving QC's and so on, and they don't half know how to charge.



I would never say anything that i could not back up with evidence and i have a lot of that against them...


The money involved in suing them is unreal and they sodding know that i cannot even get close to fighting them in the court room...it just makes my blood boil that they can do this to people and then get away with it :(

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