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Turning Fresh Air and Water into Petrol. I knew it was possible!

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The you use that and lose even more of the energy..you've put 100 units into the start..lost 65 at the power station then lost about another 28 with this process..you end up with 7% of the original energy..possibly :)


And the ICE is only about 40% efficient I believe, so you then up with about 3% of the original potential.




Not according to the doubting Thomas's on here!...It's a non-starter!


If you read the above you'll see that by using this system at the moment you lose 97% of the energy you put into it...doubting Thomas at the moment yes..with good reason..

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It's been a long held belief that intellectually superior people seem to be totally bereft of any social graces and have to resort to techno-babble in order to demonstrate their self held belief in their own superiority.


It's been my experience that people with a chip on their shoulder about percevied insecurities are offensive and abusive to others to divert attention away from their own low self esteem. Not that that matters per se - I just thought I'd mention it in the same manner you have.


I don't understand why in post No 6 (and others) you say it's completely pointless producing petrol from air.


I've been through it many times. What part of it is a problem?


Yet in post No138 you change your tune somewhat, after spending most of the thread trying to make me look a fool for thinking it's a good idea!


Not at all. You need to look at what I said initially and understand what the constraints were. I will also repeat, again there is no intention to make you look the fool. As I've said, if that's what you think, that's not my problem, but if I were you I'd deal with that rather large chip soon. No-one else appears to have a problem - if you want something explaining I shall, provided it is kept civil of course.

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I think it’s down to some people knowing enough about science to understand that it’s too expensive, but not enough about science to understand the boffins will likely solve that problem. :D


It's rather difficult to solve a way past some of the fundamental laws of thermodynamics though....

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Curious... might be a DNS issue at my end then. It can't find the server...


Works on the laptop on the 3-dongle.... even curiouser....


It's just a secret they don't want you to find out about...they obviously must think you work for "big oil" :)

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A magnetic motor - fancy that...


It's umm... bizzare how people can be so selective in what they choose to accept. I mean it'll obviously work, until that pesky first and second law gets to see what you are doing... :-)


I can't understand why they aren't selling like hot cakes... :hihi:

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