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Turning Fresh Air and Water into Petrol. I knew it was possible!

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Why not make a car with an electric motor and use the motor to also drive a dynamo that produces the power to run the motor? Surely someone must have thought of this.


Because it'd be a perpetual motion machine & it'd require a few laws of physics to be broken. The motor isn't 100% efficient & neither is the dynamo, so you just end up wasting energy, putting more energy into the motor than you get from the dynamo, so it's a lot more efficient to get rid of the dynamo, or just have it working when you're breaking (like they do, in electric cars).

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Excess generation capacity doesnt mean free electricity - you still have to put the fuel into the gneration sets.


It depends how the electricity is generated. It's not easy to shut down a nuclear plant at night. Even some of the larger gas & coal power stations are slow to start up & shut down, can't easily vary the amount of power they produce. Can't control when the wind blows, or the waves for renewable energy either.


The power stations that can be quickly started & stopped to cope with varying demand are the least efficient ones.


So, if the fuel would be going in anyway & the power wasted at night, it's near free. They can even vary the voltage on the grid to let users know when there is excess power to use.


If we're moving to more nuclear & renewable electricity generation in future, then there will be less control over how much power goes into the grid.


France generates much more electricity than they can use at night, because they have a lot of nuclear. The Swiss & Austrians then buy this cheap French electricity at night, use it to pump water up mountains, then the water drives turbines to generate electricity during the day. That process isn't very efficient at all, but it works & it's one of the best ways to store electricity, because every other way is just as bad.

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Whoooosh..... :)


The point from the rest of my post is, they do actually use regenerative breaking, etc. She thought she was suggesting a stupid idea, but it's actually what every electric car does as standard. Obviously you still need an energy input though.

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It's been my experience that people with a chip on their shoulder about percevied insecurities are offensive and abusive to others to divert attention away from their own low self esteem. Not that that matters per se - I just thought I'd mention it in the same manner you have.


Ok, have it your way, I've got a chip on my shoulder according to you. Could I ask where I've been offensive, and abusive? Unlike you saying at the beginning of one thread FFS!!!!...and in another calling me a pratt!..Cildish etc....where have I used these terms to be offensive and abusive to you?


Anyway, it's pointless bickering. You have a superiority complex and I've got a giant chip on my shoulder! Never the twain shall meet!


I've been through it many times. What part of it is a problem?


I don't have a problem with the science, I have a problem with how YOU treat me in explaing the theory. No social grace whatsoever!


Not at all. You need to look at what I said initially and understand what the constraints were. I will also repeat, again there is no intention to make you look the fool. As I've said, if that's what you think, that's not my problem, but if I were you I'd deal with that rather large chip soon. No-one else appears to have a problem - if you want something explaining I shall, provided it is kept civil of course.


You said from the outset it was pointless, then you change the goalposts and say otherwise (albeit reluctantly), but nevertheless you change.


Oh and if you want to keep things civil, then please don't all me a pratt!

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Isn't that a contradiction in terms?


Why would it be? You use power to turn the wheels, you get power back when you stop them or slow them down (not as much power as you needed to put in to get them moving). Dynamos & electric motors are the same thing, it just depends whether you want to speed them up or slow them down whether you put energy in or take energy out.

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