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Atheists under attack

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Theism and atheism are simply positions with respect to a single question.


There is no empowerment to convert people by holding either position. For that takes dogma, ... political, religious or otherwise.


Well its that dogmatism i have a problem with.



Its the attitude i sometimes get annoyed about more then anything.i see that same tendency in theists as well as atheists,and i object to it from both sides.


Except when its coming from me of course.:hihi:

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You can't be born an atheist, a baby has no ability to believe or not believe in something, you might as well claim that a cat or a tree or a rock is an atheist.


That said, agnostic atheist is a contradiction. The first claims that the answer is unknowable and the second has arrived at a conclusion on what the answer is.


Of course you can be born an atheist. I am without belief, therefore I am an atheist. I was born without belief, therefore I was born an atheist.


There's no rule stating that atheism has to be a decision, just being without belief. Somebody who decides that there's no reason to believe in God/s or decides and believes that there IS no God/s, also is without belief.



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I don't know, and I don't believe. Both are different. I'm an agnostic atheist, there is no contradiction.






Noun:The theory or belief that God does not exist.


Not a lack of belief in god, but a belief that there is no God.

Surely to believe something you must have decided that you know (to some level of certainty that allows you to decide).


If you don't know then how can you have decided on atheism over theism?

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You can't be born an atheist, a baby has no ability to believe or not believe in something, you might as well claim that a cat or a tree or a rock is an atheist.


That said, agnostic atheist is a contradiction. The first claims that the answer is unknowable and the second has arrived at a conclusion on what the answer is.


Atheism doesn't claim to know any answers.

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Of course you can be born an atheist. I am without belief, therefore I am an atheist. I was born without belief, therefore I was born an atheist.


There's no rule stating that atheism has to be a decision, just being without belief. Somebody who decides that there's no reason to believe in God/s or decides and believes that there IS no God/s, also is without belief.




See the definition of atheism I just posted.


Would you describe a rock as atheist? There is as much point in that as describing a baby which cannot comprehend the question never mind form an answer as being atheist.

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Not a lack of belief in god, but a belief that there is no God.

Surely to believe something you must have decided that you know (to some level of certainty that allows you to decide).


If you don't know then how can you have decided on atheism over theism?


Do you have a link for your source?

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Do you have a link for your source?


Yes, it's a google search for




Quite simple.


Edit - a belief that there is no God is semantically the same as a lack of belief in a God. If you don't believe in something then you believe that the something does not exist. If you lack belief in God then you are not agnostic as that is the position of believing that we cannot know whether or not a God or Gods exist.

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Not a lack of belief in god, but a belief that there is no God.

Surely to believe something you must have decided that you know (to some level of certainty that allows you to decide).


If you don't know then how can you have decided on atheism over theism?


Please provide the link that you've copied from. I bet there are other definitions there.


Besides, I have seen the definition as "evil" in some poxy US dictionary, and for some people this is precisely what it means.


This doesn't stop me, RootsBooster, flamingjimmy, EbonyBranch and others, choosing what definition we identify with and calling ourselves agnostic atheists.

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Because it likely gives her a warm fuzzy feeling inside to know that when loved ones die they go to a better place and she will one day be reunited with them.


Are you being sarcastic? I don't get a what you describe as a "warm fuzzy feeling" like anyone else who is missing loved ones i get a sad feeling when i think about them.I won't deny i get comfort from believing they are in a better place, but that isn't why i have a religious faith.

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