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Atheists under attack

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Please provide the link that you've copied from. I bet there are other definitions there.


Besides, I have seen the definition as "evil" in some poxy US dictionary, and for some people this is precisely what it means.


This doesn't stop me, RootsBooster, flamingjimmy, EbonyBranch and others, choosing what definition we identify with and calling ourselves agnostic atheists.


Just execute the search yourself, I told you exactly what the search was




it's right at the top of the page when you've done the search, you can't miss it!


Call yourself what you like, redefine the words, that doesn't stop it being contradictory due to what the words actually mean.

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That isn't really the point is it.


Why are the scouts discriminating on religious grounds... Illegal behaviour in the UK now.


Then what is the point. ?

I see this as a child wanting to join a religious group merely for the perks when he has no belief in the religion, so why should they accept him. As others have pointed out there's other groups so why not leave this one to their own devices. ?

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I have always held the opinion that NO religion should be taught in schools , non what so ever . Children should not be force fed religion in school . I would ban all mention of religion in schools .


:huh: How can you teach the non existence of something you've banned people from mentioning?




To the OP..


Your 5 year old son is a fan of Dawkins? Don't you mean Tinky Winky?

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Then what is the point. ?

I see this as a child wanting to join a religious group merely for the perks when he has no belief in the religion, so why should they accept him. As others have pointed out there's other groups so why not leave this one to their own devices. ?


Because they advertised their organisation as "all inclusive" and has the motto "scouting for all". They did accept him initially, and led him along for 10 months. They misled him.


The scouting organisation needs to change and become all inclusive, or change their advertising that claims they are.

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Because they advertised their organisation as "all inclusive" and has the motto "scouting for all".


The scouting organisation needs to change and become all inclusive, or change their advertising that claims they are.


Ah, skipping through i missed that, so fair point.

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Are you being sarcastic? I don't get a what you describe as a "warm fuzzy feeling" like anyone else who is missing loved ones i get a sad feeling when i think about them.I won't deny i get comfort from believing they are in a better place, but that isn't why i have a religious faith.


No, here's an example of how that term is used.


Happiness means different things to different people. To me, happiness is feeling at peace within myself and with my Maker, that warm fuzzy feeling inside when we know we are loved and cared for, being content with what I have and yet knowing my God wants me to prosper, so who am I to worry?


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7136628


Its means you feel comforted and reassured.



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Why is it that some posters attack entire systems of belief (and I include atheism and agnosticism in that as they both inform a philosophical position in relation to life and the universe) rather than honing in on just the obstinate, judgemental and extreme opinions that seek to discriminate.


Not all Atheists are the same.

Not all Christians are the same.


If this applies to you then please try to define what you oppose with a laser-like precision and put down the scatterguns.


As a starting point SOME can be a very useful word. Nobody can accuse me of targetting every SF poster as a way to ignore my point.

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Yes, it's a google search for




Quite simple.


Edit - a belief that there is no God is semantically the same as a lack of belief in a God. If you don't believe in something then you believe that the something does not exist. If you lack belief in God then you are not agnostic as that is the position of believing that we cannot know whether or not a God or Gods exist.



No. This is where you are wrong. The thing to bear in mind is that gnosticism/agnosticism deal with 'knowledge' and theism/atheism deal with 'belief'. These are separate things. I am mostly an agnostic atheist, because I lack knowledge of any gods and also lack belief in any gods. It is possible to possess any combination of beleif and knowledge; one can be a gnostic atheist, an agnostic theist, and so on.


The belief that there is no god is a positive statement that requires evidence to support it. The lack of belief in a god is a neutral response to the positive statement 'a god exists'. All atheists, in order to be atheistic, have to start from the baseline of lacking belief. Whether they go to the next stage and positively assert that they beleive there are no gods is up to them. Personally, I lack the knowledge (so I'm agnostic) required to go that far; I can see no sound basis for such a claim.


However, while I lack belief in any gods (so I'm an atheist), I do positively disbelieve in the existence of most of the gods I've heard about so far. For example, I positively believe that the classic YHVH of the Abrahamic religions does not exist, because all of the descriptions of that entity are incoherent and self-contradictory. In that regard I would say I am a gnostic atheist.


On the other hand, the deist proposition of an undetectable, non-interventionist being who creates the universe and then leaves it to its own devices is one I lack a belief in but have no useful information about. I cannot positively assert anything about such an entity, but neither can anyone else. I lack knowledge (so I'm agnostic) on that score, and I also lack belief (so I'm atheistic) - which means that in that regard I'm an agnostic atheist.

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