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Atheists under attack

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Flying pigs aren't the issue. Knowledge of God is the issue, you said you know that nobody can have knowledge of God, yet you admit that you don't know for certain that pigs can't fly.


It was a loaded question. I really can't believe the sarcastic nature of it escaped you. So you actually believe that there may be doubt in my mind as to whether I could be mistaken about pigs being incapable of flying? :confused:

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Nope they are all my opinion based on the evidence I have seen[/Quote]


That's not what you claimed though, not in the quotes I just presented you with anyway - you claimed that in fact there was evidence for your claims. Saying

The information we have now is that something as always existed[/Quote] is claiming that the evidence says something has always existed, not just that your opinion is based on the evidence available (which doesn't 'claim' the universe has always existed).


obviously you might have seen the same evidence and formed an entirely different opinion or no opinion at all.


I haven't formed any opinion, I accept the big bang because the evidence supports it at the present time - I have no opinion on what happened before it, or any preferance as to what, if anything, did come before it.


You are of cause entitled to have the opinion that it was somehow created from nothing by a God, or have no opinion at all[/Quote]


Why do you keep bringing God into it?


I have no belief in God, nor do I have any opinion about what may or may not have existed before the big bang.


Actually just a quick edit to say that my religion 'suggests' that the universe has always existed, I don't let that sway me from what the evidence actually says though.


My 'belief' is irrelevant when it comes to the evidence.

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It was a loaded question.

No it wasn't, it was a crap sidestep away from my question "if somebody did have knowledge of God, would you know that they don't - yes or no?"


I really can't believe the sarcastic nature of it escaped you. So you actually believe that there may be doubt in my mind as to whether I could be mistaken about pigs being incapable of flying? :confused:

I have no beliefs about what you do or don't doubt. I'm talking about what you know.

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No it wasn't, it was a crap sidestep away from my question "if somebody did have knowledge of God, would you know that they don't - yes or no?"



I have no beliefs about what you do or don't doubt. I'm talking about what you know.


I didn't side-step away from your question at all. I answered yes, my opinion wouldn't change while ever I remain unaware of the knowledge they are claiming to be in possession of. Which means I know that I will never be in possession of such knowledge because possessing such knowledge isn't something that I or the rest of mankind is capable of. It isn't just an opinion I hold, I know this to be true, just as I know pigs aren't capable of flying and humans aren't capable of walking on water or instantly turning water into wine by passing their hand over it.

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I didn't side-step away from your question at all. I answered yes, my opinion wouldn't change while ever I remain unaware of the knowledge they are claiming to be in possession of. Which means I know that I will never be in possession of such knowledge because possessing such knowledge isn't something that I or the rest of mankind is capable of. It isn't just an opinion I hold, I know this to be true, just as I know pigs aren't capable of flying and humans aren't capable of walking on water or instantly turning water into wine by passing their hand over it.


The question wasn't "will your opinion change, yes or no?"

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That's not what you claimed though, not in the quotes I just presented you with anyway - you claimed that in fact there was evidence for your claims. Saying is claiming that the evidence says something has always existed, not just that your opinion is based on the evidence available (which doesn't 'claim' the universe has always existed).
The evidence I have seen does support my opinion that the universe as always existed, and until someone manages recreate nothing and then create matter and energy from it, it will remain my opinion.



I haven't formed any opinion, I accept the big bang because the evidence supports it at the present time - I have no opinion on what happened before it, or any preferance as to what, if anything, did come before it.

Thats fine.




Why do you keep bringing God into it?

Because nothing and everything spontaneously popping into existence from nothing are just as unlikely as a God creating everything from nothing.


I have no belief in God, nor do I have any opinion about what may or may not have existed before the big bang.
Again that fine.


Actually just a quick edit to say that my religion 'suggests' that the universe has always existed, I don't let that sway me from what the evidence actually says though.
That’s fine and I haven't questioned your opinion.

My 'belief' is irrelevant when it comes to the evidence.

I haven't suggested otherwise.

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The question wasn't "will your opinion change, yes or no?"


Your question was asking whether I would still know that no one possess or is capable of possessing the knowledge of what god actually is even if someone did in fact know. So let's be clear on what you're actually asking. In this scenario of yours, do I have the good fortune of knowing this knowledge also, or do I remain blissfully unaware of it and utterly convinced that there is no one who is or who could possibly be in possession of such knowledge?

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Clearly not, on both counts, but do you not see the massive flaw in your championing of a statement in the "book" you hold dear which is, in fact, false?


How do you know its false? show me the evidence of that if you can,otherwise stop talking nonsense.

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