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Atheists under attack

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I'm slightly curious about your preoccupation with homosexual tendencies,thats twice you have a addressed me on the issue.

May i suggest you contact a Gay Christian organisation if you wish to enquire further about the very few references from the approx sixty books in the bible.


An alternative view may be provided by a Nick Griffin equivalent.


Mysogyny references in the bible may also be of interest to you if you wish to delve a little deeper. :suspect:


my reason for mentioning homosexuals twice is because the way in which they are viewed and treated by religious factions makes a mockery of this -"Judge not and thy shall not be judged" none judgemental nonesense that the Bible preaches but quite clearly doesn't practice. And why you feel the need to recomend that I contact the gay christian organisation is beyond me? Or are you implying that I may have repressed feelings of a homosexual nature because I 've referred to homophobia within religion for a second time? Well' maybe I have, it would explain why I consider the-"Judge not and thy shall not be judged" quote a load of idealistic religious twoddle.

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my reason for mentioning homosexuals twice is because the way in which they are viewed and treated by religious factions makes a mockery of this -"Judge not and thy shall not be judged" none judgemental nonesense that the Bible preaches but quite clearly doesn't practice. And why you feel the need to recomend that I contact the gay christian organisation is beyond me? Or are you implying that I may have repressed feelings of a homosexual nature because I 've referred to homophobia within religion for a second time? Well' maybe I have, it would explain why I consider the-"Judge not and thy shall not be judged" quote a load of idealistic religious twoddle.


I wasn't implying you have repressed feelings of a homosexual nature because your sexual oriantation isn't an issue as far as i'm concerned,as neither are your views on the bible.

The only thing i do have an issue with is the sometimes rather judgemental patronising manner expressed in your comments.

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Either you're back pedalling or you genuinley don't see what you've done.


You said 'the evidence', not your opinion but the evidence pointed to the 'fact' that the universe has always existed.


You then said it was just your opinion based on the evidence.


Yep that’s right the evidence I have seen supports my opinion that the universe as always existed, it doesn’t follow that you will agree. Think about the evidence presented in a criminal trial, so members of the jury think it’s enough to find someone guilty and some don’t, we all form opinions based on evidence but not necessarily the same opinion. You disagree with me and I can live with that.



But the 'evidence' doesn't point to the universe always existing, it doesn't know what happened before the universe, that's why it's all hypothosis and not theory - you don't seem to be able to understand this simple point that more and more people are trying to point out to you.


The 'evidence' does not point to an infinite universe, you are interpreting the evidence and coming to that conclusion based on it - but the evidence itself doesn't say that.

Thats your opnion and I support your right to hold it.




You are entitled to think that, that's your opinion, but you have catergorically said that the evidence suggests it too, it doesn't, if it did it would be theory, it's not, it's merely one of many ways of interpreting the evidence. There are many scientists who interpret the same evidence in different ways and many conflicting hypothoses based on that evidence, the reason they are only hypothoses is that the evidence isn't strong enough to verify one over the other - but you have been saying consistantly that the evidence does say a certain thing.


Thank you for alowing me to have an opinion.


It does not - you have interpreted the evidence and come to that conclusion - this is a very different thing to the evidence 'saying' it.


Yes its my interpritation of the evidance that supports my opinion that the universe as always existed.





Again you're using nothing here than your own prejudice that you favour an eternal universe over a finite one - they are both equal premises and both are possible.


Because there isn’t a single shred of evidence that nothing or God is possible, no evidence the something can be created from nothing, no evidence that matter and energy can cease to exist. Some evidence that matter and energy are recycled and change from one state to another. And there is no reason at all to think the universe hasn’t always existed.


There is no evidence that the universe as boundaries or a point at which existence stops, there is evidence that the universe is flat and infinite.

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Here's a thought: maybe non-existence - or its potential - inadvertently gives rise to emptiness and unstable voids. If that was the case, then we really would be getting something from nothing.



Pop! there goes another fuse... time to stop thinking.:|


But if the universe popped into existence from an unstable void why did it wait so long to do it, the void must have existed for an infinite time before it became unstable, unless at some point in the future the universe will revert to its unstable state and the process starts again.

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You have a supposition that 'nothing' is impossible because you can't imagine it.


You pretend that you can imagine eternity and infinity and so claim they are possible.


None of these concepts actually make sense within the context of the universe in which we exist though.


Why? .....

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Yep that’s right the evidence I have seen supports my opinion that the universe as always existed, it doesn’t follow that you will agree. Think about the evidence presented in a criminal trial, so members of the jury think it’s enough to find someone guilty and some don’t, we all form opinions based on evidence but not necessarily the same opinion. You disagree with me and I can live with that........ Thats your opnion and I support your right to hold it[/Quote]


You've totally and utterly and completely missed the point - again.


Because there isn’t a single shred of evidence that nothing or God is possible, no evidence the something can be created from nothing, no evidence that matter and energy can cease to exist. Some evidence that matter and energy are recycled and change from one state to another. And there is no reason at all to think the universe hasn’t always existed.


There is no evidence that the universe as boundaries or a point at which existence stops, there is evidence that the universe is flat and infinite.


Blah blah blah and round it goes.


There is no evidence that the universe is infinate, an infinate universe is equally as viable as a finite one - they are both philosophical positions with equal status - the only difference between them is that you can't conceive of one of them while you seem perfectly happy with the other.


Do you actually read people's posts or simply decide that they mean one thing and stick to that point regardless of what they put?

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I wasn't implying you have repressed feelings of a homosexual nature because your sexual oriantation isn't an issue as far as i'm concerned,as neither are your views on the bible.

The only thing i do have an issue with is the sometimes rather judgemental patronising manner expressed in your comments.


which I have been doing intentionally to reflect the patronizing way in which you quoted the Bible(of all things)presuably to educate me on how the Bible as taught you how to have a none judgemental attitude towards the affiars of other poeple. Obviously the overwhelming sense or irony of you having used the Bible as your moral bench mark has escaped you?

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You've totally and utterly and completely missed the point - again.

Sorry :)




There is no evidence that the universe is infinate, an infinate universe is equally as viable as a finite one - they are both philosophical positions with equal status - the only difference between them is that you can't conceive of one of them while you seem perfectly happy with the other.
In your opinion.


Do you actually read people's posts

Yep and then I answer, it’s not my fault if you don't like the answer, you are clearly trying to convince me that I'm wrong, but you haven’t posted anything to support your opinion that I'm wrong, show me some evidence that nothing is possible and that something can be created from nothing.

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which I have been doing intentionally to reflect the patronizing way in which you quoted the Bible(of all things)presuably to educate me on how the Bible as taught you how to have a none judgemental attitude towards the affiars of other poeple. Obviously the overwhelming sense or irony of you having used the Bible as your moral bench mark has escaped you?


Irony? have another look at your posts to see the the clearest example of irony!

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