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Atheists under attack

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Sorry :)




In your opinion.



Yep and then I answer, it’s not my fault if you don't like the answer, you are clearly trying to convince me that I'm wrong, but you haven’t posted anything to support your opinion that I'm wrong, show me some evidence that nothing is possible and that something can be created from nothing.


The very fact that neither is it my 'opinion' nor do I think you are 'wrong ' shows just how little you actually 'get' of what I've been saying to you.

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Yes! but that doesn't mean all believers are not analytical in their thinking and reasoning..

Some theists become atheists because of certain painful experiences in their lives that have either been personal or witnessed. I quite understand how that can happen because i've been been close to that position myself in the past.


Alternatively some atheists who have been very positive about their lack of belief have developed a faith through an intuitive process which may have occurred as a result of some painful or emotional experience they have encountered at some stage in their life.


Faith isn't something anyone can guarantee to have every moment and ever day of their life,once a person of faith accepts that and doesn't let it trouble them.they become more contented.


But there will also be those who just go through the rituals of their chosen religion with little if any true devotion. If my memories of my RE school eduction serve me correctly it was Jesus who said of the hypocrites that wail outside of their synogogue -"They praise me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me". They wail not for me but to impress man. It seems he held distain for half hearted followers or insincere self serving acts of generousity and kindness. Which is probably why religion has never appealed to me in any emotional sense since I now acknowledge and fully accept that I'm not the type of person that is able to commit to the level of devotion that Jesus is(according to the new testiment I remember reading at school) requiring from truly devoted followers that don't behave in a way that he considers to be the behaviour likened to that of the hypocrites he alledgedly referred to long ago.


I'm not winding you up. I've simply asked you to identify which of my posts you're referring to as a clear example of irony. Am I at fault for doing that?

Well one example is you replied to that post of mine, and i fail to see how your post had any relation to my comment,and you! were the first to post a quote from the bible.

I might also mention that i assumed you were an atheist because you identified yourself as such on your own thread some months back, but on this thread you say you are a theist......i'm just a bit :confused:

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But if the universe popped into existence from an unstable void why did it wait so long to do it, the void must have existed for an infinite time before it became unstable,


As I said, I'm no physicist or mathematician. But thinking from what I said earlier, and some of what you've said, it could be that a void(because of nothing) has always existed and is always giving rise to universes (multiverses even?).


I don't know. Still, I think physicists are probably on the right track and, if there is an answer to it all, they are the ones that are going to find it. It won't be me, you or some theologian dangling a god.

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Janie, stop being so judgemental. It's just so unchristian :);)


I know :hihi: I was searching through the "view my post" contents to check an earlier post.I could hardly believe what i had said sometimes.


I'm not always so sanctimonious!!.....honest.:hihi:

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