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Atheists under attack

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I was so shocked by that post by Lockjawi had to drown my sorrows in a bottle of wine.I even had to cadge a cigarette from my neighbour,and i hadn't smoked for five years. :roll:


And i havn't recovered yet.:o


<<Holds up white flag, briefly>>


Hey Janie, didn't you already reply to this? I'm sure I saw a response having a go at me for referring to other threads. If so, do you have any idea why it disappeared - I certainly didn't report it?

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<<Holds up white flag, briefly>>


Hey Janie, didn't you already reply to this? I'm sure I saw a response having a go at me for referring to other threads. If so, do you have any idea why it disappeared - I certainly didn't report it?

A supernatural visitation may have had something to do with that unexplained occurrence.


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I'll assume you reported it yourself because you were embarrassed by it, then.


Shame about the follow up.

"May you have the hindsight to know where you've been,

the foresight to know where you are going,

and the insight to know when you have gone too far"

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It has infuriated me today that a young boy has been refused from joining the scouts because he is athiest.Now all his mates are going camping without him.As a child this would have been a severe punishment for me as my single parent dad couldnt afford holidays and camping with the scouts were my only breaks which were fantastic. Also my son who is 5 has school dinners where there is a coloured band system for them to choose either vegatarian halal and non halal.Because sometimes he didnt like the non halal meal i would put him the band on for the halal meal which he liked.My child is white and at the moment doesnt have a religion and hopefully never does but thats his decision to make. This went on for mths and surprisingly he often returned home hungry saying i had chosen him the wrong food.One day i took him and his moslym friend to school who saw what coloured band i had put him on and he allerted me to the fact that the teacher would only take it off as he wasnt allowed halal because he wasnt of the moslym faith.This his teacher comfirmed so i set off straight to the office to find out why my son was being discriminated against.They said i had to fill a consent form in and phone the sheffield council to have it okayed.This they did but was this necessary i ask !





This is revolting! Leaving a child with no food :mad:

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We eventually stopped our 12 year old going to Guides because of things like this. The kids were given sweets if they attended the Church Parades etc but singled out and humiliated if they didn't. They were asked if they had been baptised and the ones that hadn't were basically told they were going to hell...stuff 'em!!

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  • 1 month later...
The Scout Association is now launching a consultation amongst its members to consider an alternative oath(s).


Not a bad move.




Yes, good for them.


Pleased to see that you acknowledge that after your earlier comments. I always applaud people that change their opinion on something.

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