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Would it be legal to organize a Boycott of all Islamic goods and services?

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If this were the case than how would I as a muslim know it was Halal?

Which supermarkets sell halal chicken that is unmarked?


That isn't the issue - the leftover halal that is not required for the small % of halal eaters in the UK enters the regular foodchain.

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Halal chicken is sold in the national supermarkets and has no identifying marks on it, as legally it does not have to be marked as such.


I agree with you on the veal, i also won't eat duck - but trying to avoid halal meat i would guess is impossible unless you're veggie.


It isn't really difficult. I buy my meat from Border View Farm or Whirlow Hall Farm neither of which do halal.


I note this from Sainsburys website.




Do you sell halal meat?


The Tahira range is available in selected stores and is certified as Halal. To find out if your local store stocks the range, Contact Us.


In line with our high welfare standards, all the animals used for our own label meat are stunned prior to slaughter. Under no circumstances would any of our own label meat come from an animal that has not been stunned and not treated humanely and with the utmost respect.


We purchase some of our meat from suppliers that are halal licensed abattoirs. However we have never requested in our specifications that halal practices, such as a blessing, be followed. Our suppliers are explicitly aware of our requirements. It would therefore be misleading to label our meat as halal.


It seems the supermarkets have also got the message that customers aren't prepared to be force fed on halal.

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A simple topic for debate.


Many do not like Islam its message or its aims, like many. So organizing a boycott of all Islamic goods and services sounds like a good way to start 'pushing back'


Would it be legal?


What on Earth are its aims?


The only aim I can think of in Islam is that believers should live in accordance with Gods word.


Any and all other aims are down to the viewpoint of individuals and may or may not be in line with that of the Quran.


As far as 'Islam' and its message goes I'm sure it's perfectly legal to boycott it - and shouldn't be very difficult, you simply don't take part.

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What if you have a Muslim postman? Dentist?


How far do you take it? The checkout person at the supermarket turns out to be Muslim.

What are you going to do -move all your stuff off the conveyor belt and look like a total tool?

Call in at the garage for some fuel - Muslim cashier - are you going to be a total knob and ask to be served by someone else?

Bank - Muslim cashier etc, etc...


It's one of the most crassly stupid and backward ideas I've ever heard.

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What if you have a Muslim postman? Dentist?


How far do you take it? The checkout person at the supermarket turns out to be Muslim.

What are you going to do -move all your stuff off the conveyor belt and look like a total tool?

Call in at the garage for some fuel - Muslim cashier - are you going to be a total knob and ask to be served by someone else?

Bank - Muslim cashier etc, etc...


It's one of the most crassly stupid and backward ideas I've ever heard.


It's not often I agree with you, but top post. If their faith is getting in the way of their job, something needs to be said. If not, the postmen and checkout folk (unless they bark out "infedel at checkout 5") etc are just trying to earn a crust, keep a roof over their head and slob out and watch the telly. They aren't all suicide bombers and paedos.

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It's up to the individual, isn't it, which companies'/ countries' produce they patronise or boycott.


I personally try not to buy Nestle produce, (which includes brands such as Buitoni, Carnation, Fussells, Maggi, Libby's, and Rowntreee-Mackintosh) but that's not because of their links with Israel.


I boycott Nestle, because of their vile and immoral policies with distributing formula milk in the third world, and directly or indirectly causing the deaths of babies and children because of what they do. (they give the new-mothers just enough formula milk to take them to the point where their own milk is dried up. they are then forced to continue using formula milk, and due to the cost of the formula, and the lack of clean drinking water, the children get poisoned water, and insufficient nourishment. al this is contrary to the WHO's edict that they should cease)

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