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Would it be legal to organize a Boycott of all Islamic goods and services?

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It's not often I agree with you, but top post. If their faith is getting in the way of their job, something needs to be said. If not, the postmen and checkout folk (unless they bark out "infedel at checkout 5") etc are just trying to earn a crust, keep a roof over their head and slob out and watch the telly. They aren't all suicide bombers and paedos.


Ta. Frankly I'm a little surprised there aren't more people who haven't realised quite what a mind bogglingly stupid idea this is.

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It isn't really difficult. I buy my meat from Border View Farm or Whirlow Hall Farm neither of which do halal.


I note this from Sainsburys website.




Do you sell halal meat?


The Tahira range is available in selected stores and is certified as Halal. To find out if your local store stocks the range, Contact Us.


In line with our high welfare standards, all the animals used for our own label meat are stunned prior to slaughter. Under no circumstances would any of our own label meat come from an animal that has not been stunned and not treated humanely and with the utmost respect.


We purchase some of our meat from suppliers that are halal licensed abattoirs. However we have never requested in our specifications that halal practices, such as a blessing, be followed. Our suppliers are explicitly aware of our requirements. It would therefore be misleading to label our meat as halal.


It seems the supermarkets have also got the message that customers aren't prepared to be force fed on halal.


But Sainsburys don't deny it is halal - according to the RSPCA 90% of halal meat is stunned even in halal abattoirs.

You're still being fed it,they just don't ask the abattoir to prove it is halal 'cos they don't care.

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Ta. Frankly I'm a little surprised there aren't more people who haven't realised quite what a mind bogglingly stupid idea this is.


It's certainly one that would be impossible to put into operation. It's common knowledge they can't even not get halal food despite how naive they may be.

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Ta. Frankly I'm a little surprised there aren't more people who haven't realised quite what a mind bogglingly stupid idea this is.


I completely agree with you.


I don't think the OP realises how crass his/ her suggestion sounds. What are the aims? To put out a message that Muslims aren't welcome in the UK in the same week that Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital welcomed a 14 year old Muslim girl who really is 'pushing back' and soon after fighting for her and her fellow female students right for an education found herself fighting for her life. She's only 14, but she recognised that it was her culture that needed to change rather than her religion, why can't educated adults over here see the same thing?


I hate these knee jerk negative reactions, surely we're better off positively supporting any British or non-British Muslims who are seeking freedom from these fundamentalist religious fascists. That's a message that might actually make a decent change in the world.

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I believe it is wrong and misguided to boycott an entire religion and its followers.

The issues some people have with Islam are likely to be based on certain fundamental Muslims' beliefs and actions. I will admit that I don't know that much about Islam, or indeed any of the non-Christian religions, but even I know that you cannot generalise about people based on their religion.

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Actually it isn't pretty clear, hidden away in the article is this sentence:


Islamically slaughtered lamb and chicken sold in British supermarkets
is stunned before being killed
, but is not labelled as halal."


So the only difference is the mumbo jumbo recited at the time of slaughter.


I do believe however that ALL meat should be labelled reflecting the slaughter methods and country of origin.

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