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George Osbourne has to pay to upgrade ticket (according to Virgin Trains)

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The Labour Party champagne socialists are strangely quiet on the topic of a mansion tax for people with houses worth more than £2m.


For what it's worth, Ed Milliband lives in a £2.3 million pound house.

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He has probably taken heed of an expression used by his heroine the Milk

Snatcher, 'every little bit helps' - afterall he's only worth £4 million!:rolleyes:


Or maybe buying standard tickets looks good when his expense claims are examined. He just scams his way into first class anyway.

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The Labour Party champagne socialists are strangely quiet on the topic of a mansion tax for people with houses worth more than £2m.


For what it's worth, Ed Milliband lives in a £2.3 million pound house.


It's a stupid idea anyway but I thought Labour supported a mansion tax.

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The Labour Party champagne socialists are strangely quiet on the topic of a mansion tax for people with houses worth more than £2m.


For what it's worth, Ed Milliband lives in a £2.3 million pound house.



Hi Tone, welcome back! was wondering whe you would rouse from your slumber. Sadly for you, the prospects for the ConDems have only deteriorated since you stopped posting after the May elections!


Labour supported the principles of the 'Mansion Tax', what do you think of the Cons for throwing Cleggs proposals out?

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"The initial reports suggested the upgrade fee was £160, but Virgin Trains have since confirmed the actual figure was £189.50 and covered the cost of an upgrade for the chancellor and an assistant."




I have to admit it seems like a storm in a teacup really..



Something not mentioned on here, is the fact that Virgin Trains (so I have read) do not have WIFI in pleb class, only first class, so if he had been planning to do any work he would have needed to go first class anyway.

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Can't be many of those in Doncaster North. Welcome back T, were've you been for the last 169 days?


Indeed, but I suspect that that Miliband doesn't spend much time in sunny Donny.


Thanks for the welcome, though I don't think that I'll bother hanging around. It's just a flying visit.

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I don't have any heroines, and what's a 'frit'?


From what I've read,Osbourne's party paid up like anyone else would, and if you read the reporters frantic tweets she seems to be hyping up something that wasn't really happening. She seems to have made the wrong call in the heat of what she thought was a moment, but nobody else did.


There's no story here and the thread title isn't true.

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I don't have any heroines, and what's a 'frit'?


From what I've read,Osbourne's party paid up like anyone else would, and if you read the reporters frantic tweets she seems to be hyping up something that wasn't really happening. She seems to have made the wrong call in the heat of what she thought was a moment, but nobody else did.


There's no story here.


Frit , from Wiki, Maggie :'The right hon. Gentleman is afraid of an election is he? Oh, if I were going to cut and run I'd have gone after the Falklands. Afraid? Frightened? Frit? Couldn't take it? Couldn't stand it? Right now inflation is lower than it has been for thirteen years, a record the right hon. Gentleman couldn't begin to touch'!


It is Tone, Lincolnshire speak for frightened.


As stated previously, that Osborne paid is not the story, it is the fact that he thought an automatic upgrade was a privilege of rank and did not want to pay.

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