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Another tory bites the dust!

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What about the integrity of the police? How did it get into the hands of the media so quickly, including the official police notes. Somewhere in the police, it was quite deliberately leaked to the press. I wonder how much they were paid for it.


Why shouldn't it have got in the press? The copper gave him a police warning for foul-mouthed abuse for which Mitchell could instead have been arrested. Mitchell was government chief whip. If someone as senior as that treats a copper in that way then you can't expect it to be covered up, nor should it have been.

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What Mitchell did was swear at a copper or two, hardly crime of the century, happens to coppers every single day, that's the nature of the job they are in, if they can't cope with profanities, maybe they should have chosen an alternative career.


He did, to the point of being threatened with arrest. That in itself for a government minister is actually pretty serious. That is why he didn't want to admit it. He then proceeded to lie. We know he lied because of his admission today. We also know he is, backed up by his boss, continuing to paint the police as liars.

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Those people criticising the coppers involved ignore the fact that Mitchell could have been arrested in Downing Street which would have been a lot more embarrassing. Unless you think that calling someone a pleb is acceptable then arrogant snobs like Mitchell have to go. It doesn't look good on Cameron either, for standing by Mitchell for weeks and then losing the fight to keep him. Old school tie and all that.


Arrested for what offence? Calling someone a pleb, if indeed that's what was said is hardly a public order offence.

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What is worrying is the police colluding to undermine the government of the day, there should be an investigation into who leaked the police notes especially given the context of the Leveson Enquiry. Are the police on Downing Street not meant to show some discretion, that would be the mark of a copper acting in a professional manner.

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