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Another tory bites the dust!

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I know they're not doing it for the fun of it, they used the incident for political gain. The police were playing a political game, something they should be well out of.


My bold - that's isn't what I suggested so please don't make things up. Of course they were right to warn Mitchell, that's what would happen anywhere else. However if I swore at a copper and was given a warning to stop, I doubt the copper would have much interest in squealing to the press about it and handing over copies of their note books.


I agree that the police fed should not feel they have to be driven to this kind of behaviour. It's bad when the police fed and the government end up in a confrontation but you have to question why it's happening.


It would be interesting to find out exactly how this got into the public domain though, I agree with that too.

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Harking back to the original post title "Another tory bites the dust!" Why the hell cant it be "All tories bite the dust" ???


I don't like you pompous, self righteous, ideosyncratic, self centered, ambiguous, fat pigs.....


VOTE UKIP you know it makes sense..


That and "Eat the rich" ;)


This post is PEDANT protected... argue with the text and the lad's will be round :)

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A High Court judge actually, and case law.


It's not law. If it was it wouldn't have to be used as a basis for advice. The context is more important anyway. Mr Mitchell could have been arrested even if he hadn't used foul language. The level of aggression is an important factor as well, and that's down to a judgement on the part of the police. The police judged that Mr Mitchell's behaviour was close to being bad enough for him to be arrested for it.


Has Mitchell denied that he was threatened with arrest? Bit quiet on that point isn't he?

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Mitchell has been sacked because he lost the support of his own colleagues. The mere mention of his name was enough to raise jeers at his own party conference.


Yet there are still people on here who cannot see what is wrong with a public servant paid with taxpayers money, using language which clearly indicates he believes himself inherently superior to those not born into the kind of priviledge which he was.


Presumably the innability to see the issue here indicates a similar sense of entitlement accompanied by self satisfied smugness at having achieved status through accident of birth on their behalf.


Hopefully one day these types will either evolve or go extinct. I don't particularly care which, as long as they please just 'F' off, and take their feudal era attitudes with them when they go.

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What about the integrity of the police? How did it get into the hands of the media so quickly, including the official police notes. Somewhere in the police, it was quite deliberately leaked to the press. I wonder how much they were paid for it.


Good point. Downing Street is pretty quiet and devoid of journos hanging around looking for a story. There is no way this could have reached the press... no...hang on...


He had to go. Mostly because the moment he did it, he became damaged goods. The Tory party are struggling with the image that they are the Posh Party. Calling police officers "plebs" and telling them to "learn their plac" was always going to be political poison. For goodness sake, even Milliband has been able to cash in.


The bigger question is about Cameron's judgement. Anyone who has more than a passing interest in politics must have been able to see that Mitchell was a busted flush. Why could the Prime Minister not see it?

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