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Another tory bites the dust!

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I believe some Tories can spell or use the right words too...


I believe that some Tories can construct a coherent argument.


You are clearly not among them.

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prefer the Tories to the Out of date haters of the Left yeah :)


Dont drink so I doubt its the wine


Perhaps you vote for yourself then? Man you need to chill out put on some Bob Marley and pour yourself a whisky will do the trick.

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prefer the Tories to the Out of date haters of the Left yeah :)


Dont drink so I doubt its the wine


I think it just goes to show how bitter and nasty some people are if they take pleasure in things like this. There have been plenty of Labour MPs sacked over the last few years, but I don't feel the need to gloat at it.


They're not a credit to their party, they're it's shame. They're probably the same ones wanting to dance on Thatcher's grave when they probably weren't even old enough to be a victim of any of her policies which rile them so much. I certainly won't be dancing on Blair's grave when he dies.

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Another Tory snob who thought he was above the law, just one of many who treat the working class with contempt, these horrible people need to go, they are no good for this country and never will be, Chamberlain, Thatcher, Major, ect have proved that, so on ya bike Mitchell and on ya Rolls Royce to the rest of em.:nono:

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