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Another tory bites the dust!

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prefer the Tories to the Out of date haters of the Left yeah :)


Dont drink so I doubt its the wine


Wow, deep! Allow me some time to digest your subtle and complex political philosophy.


BTW I wouldn't tease people over their spelling if I didn't understand the correct use of capital letters.

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Wow, deep! Allow me some time to digest your subtle and complex political philosophy.


BTW I wouldn't tease people over their spelling if I didn't understand the correct use of capital letters.

Oh no! It looks like I got a capital out of place - 100 lines for me eh?

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Good point. Downing Street is pretty quiet and devoid of journos hanging around looking for a story. There is no way this could have reached the press... no...hang on...


He had to go. Mostly because the moment he did it, he became damaged goods. The Tory party are struggling with the image that they are the Posh Party. Calling police officers "plebs" and telling them to "learn their plac" was always going to be political poison. For goodness sake, even Milliband has been able to cash in.


The bigger question is about Cameron's judgement. Anyone who has more than a passing interest in politics must have been able to see that Mitchell was a busted flush. Why could the Prime Minister not see it?


Mmmm, it will be interesting to see how "Dave" reacts to the news that his chancellor "couldn't possibly sit in standard class" on a recent train journey.

This multi millionaire actually paid for standard class and sat in first class and then made a song and dance about having to pay the excess. What a twit.

(spelling error intended)

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Ha ha ha....In the wake of 'Plebgate' that nasty polecat Norman Tebbit has complained of David Cameron's government that it "has let itself be called a government of unfeeling toffs".

God things must be bad if Norman Tebbit is complaining of government being unfeeling.

More here: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/tebbit-blasts-incompetent-tories-195811118.html

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Ha ha ha....In the wake of 'Plebgate' that nasty polecat Norman Tebbit has complained of David Cameron's government that it "has let itself be called a government of unfeeling toffs".

God things must be bad if Norman Tebbit is complaining of government being unfeeling.More here: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/tebbit-blasts-incompetent-tories-195811118.html



You ain't wrong there pal!:hihi:

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Ha ha ha....In the wake of 'Plebgate' that nasty polecat Norman Tebbit has complained of David Cameron's government that it "has let itself be called a government of unfeeling toffs".

God things must be bad if Norman Tebbit is complaining of government being unfeeling.

More here: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/tebbit-blasts-incompetent-tories-195811118.html


Well you could never call Tebbit a toff...he's one of those horrible people from a working class background who'd rather sup with the devil and watch his kindred starve. You can partially forgive the rich for being Tories, they know not what they do, but Tebbit chose to be a bar steward.

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I think it just goes to show how bitter and nasty some people are if they take pleasure in things like this. There have been plenty of Labour MPs sacked over the last few years, but I don't feel the need to gloat at it.


They're not a credit to their party, they're it's shame. They're probably the same ones wanting to dance on Thatcher's grave when they probably weren't even old enough to be a victim of any of her policies which rile them so much. I certainly won't be dancing on Blair's grave when he dies.


If you don't think right wingers gloat when a Labour politician resigns or something bad happens to Gordon Brown or Arthur Scargil then you really are a naïve fool.

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Mitchell has been sacked because he lost the support of his own colleagues. The mere mention of his name was enough to raise jeers at his own party conference.


Yet there are still people on here who cannot see what is wrong with a public servant paid with taxpayers money, using language which clearly indicates he believes himself inherently superior to those not born into the kind of priviledge which he was.


Presumably the innability to see the issue here indicates a similar sense of entitlement accompanied by self satisfied smugness at having achieved status through accident of birth on their behalf.


Hopefully one day these types will either evolve or go extinct. I don't particularly care which, as long as they please just 'F' off, and take their feudal era attitudes with them when they go.


As can be seen by the behaviour of Conservatives on Sheffield Forum, what Mitchell is alleged to have said to the police is only stating basic Tory beliefs that the rich and powerful should have rights over and above the rest of us "plebs". One rule for us and another very different rule for them.

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