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Anti-austerity march set for London

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Surely the effectiveness of any anti-austerity march depends upon the level of media coverage which it generates ? How many of our "mass media" actually took the trouble to interview individuals ?


If "mass media" and "mainstream politicians" contrive to silence the voices of honest hard-working people who are TRYING to protest , then people need to look at alternative means of peaceful and less obvious protest , and start being a bit more savvy about how they can make a difference .....

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Surely the effectiveness of any anti-austerity march depends upon the level of media coverage which it generates ? How many of our "mass media" actually took the trouble to interview individuals ?


If "mass media" and "mainstream politicians" contrive to silence the voices of honest hard-working people who are TRYING to protest , then people need to look at alternative means of peaceful and less obvious protest , and start being a bit more savvy about how they can make a difference .....


Obviously the unions aren't getting the message through to their members.. 250k people at a similar march last year only 150k for this one..


from the beeb


"Organiser Trades Union Congress (TUC), which said workers and campaigners from across the UK were involved with the demonstration, estimated that more than 150,000 people took part while the Met Police has not released an estimate.

That compares with the more than 250,000 people who took part in a London anti-cuts march and rally in March 2011."

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But marches don't seem to be working , only RT actually interviewed individuals who could then make their case . I'm not pro - RT , just pointing this out . What point do public protests serve ? Those in Spain just showed

G4S -type police casually but very brutally bludgeoning seemingly innocent protesters with all the aggression of people bludgeoning baby seals .


Public protests have had their day , sorry but there are better , cleverer ways of spending 24 hours - all 3 main political parties are looking down upon and laughing at you pathetic little worker bees with your placards - sorry but it's true , am on your side completely but believe the unions ain't got a clue any more .

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But only if they have decent media coverage - BBC , Sky , where were you ?


It's surprising to me that a lot of the general public still don't realise to what extent our media is manipulated and censored. After all, if it isn't on the 10 0' clock news, then it hasn't happened.

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