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Miliband booed after telling marchers Labour wouldn't reverse spending cuts

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Japan has higher wages than we do. A lot of technology products are produced on very automated lines, wages are a small fraction of the costs. The advantage they have is most of the supply chain is based there because they didn't kill off their tech sector in the 80s, like we did. A factory building consumer electrical products in the UK would have to import a lot of components from the far east.


Most Japanese production has been moved to overseas plants. So much of what people perceive as Japanese goods is actually made in South East Asia.

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That could be influenced by the large financial sector here, you'd need to compare salaries for specific (manufacturing related) jobs to get a fair comparison.


Anyway, it's not a huge difference, it's not like they earn less than our minimum wage.


They actually have a similar financial sector to us. Don't forget that all the big banks have offices in Japan and they have similar staff numbers and compensation contracts.

I believe their minimum wage is less than ours and as you have quite correctly pointed out, many of the components for the industries are made in places outside Japan and at a far cheaper cost and so Japan simply puts things together.

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Most Japanese production has been moved to overseas plants. So much of what people perceive as Japanese goods is actually made in South East Asia.


They still produce a lot of goods in Japan. They still have a lower trade deficit than the UK & they still have a larger economy.

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You advocate that the people rise up and take control whilst you prove that the 'people' don't really have a clue what to do if they had control.


Well its better than these clowns running the show time they made for a strong leadership I think.

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