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Another mess they got us into

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How long, and what might be the results of the introduction of Austerity, Cuts, Inflation and what might the results be?


So far Boy George has merely followed the plan of cuts outlined by Captain Darling at the last election.


Alistair Darling: we will cut deeper than Margaret Thatcher


Thinktank warns of 'two parliaments of pain' with spending slashed by 25% to repair black hole in finances


Alistair Darling admitted tonight that Labour's planned cuts in public spending will be "deeper and tougher" than Margaret Thatcher's in the 1980s, as the country's leading experts on tax and spending warned that Britain faces "two parliaments of pain" to repair the black hole in the state's finances.


The Institute for Fiscal Studies said hefty tax rises and Whitehall spending cuts of 25% were in prospect during the six-year squeeze lasting until 2017 that would follow the chancellor's "treading water" budget yesterday.


Asked by the BBC tonight how his plans compared with Thatcher's attempts to slim the size of the state, Darling replied: "They will be deeper and tougher – where we make the precise comparison I think is secondary to an acknowledgement that these reductions will be tough."



Or had you "forgotten" about that?


(Honestly, memories like stunned goldfish. :rolleyes:)


"repair the black hole in the state's finances"


And just who had been in power for the past 13 years?


Remember, there was no budget deficit in 1998, we actually had a small surplus [LINK]


(Please don't confuse "deficit" with "debt" as many on here seem to.)


And don't blame it all on the banking crisis either, Gertrude McPrudence was running a record deficit in 2006 [LINK]




you seriously have to ask , look around you and open your eyes :hihi:


What "cuts"? What "austerity"?


UK deficit widens to August record [september 21, 2012]


So we're borrowing (and spending) more than ever.


And even with £375 billion of money created out of thin air (QE) as well as borrowing an average of £14 billion every month....



....we still can't pay our bills!



This country is so fooked!

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The biggest money pit is the idle rich. The landed gentry have not earned their wealth but still use mummy and daddy money to control. Forcibly seize their assets and use them for the common good. HEY PRESTO....the rich have got us out of the mess that TTTTHHHHEEEEYYYY got us into! It is called justice.

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The biggest money pit is benefits. Cut those hard, replace cash payments with basic vouchers for food and domestic services, and we'll be on the right track.



Because you keep saying this it doesn't make it true. The biggest benefit spend is on tax credits and housing benefits, i.e. on topping up income for working people.



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The biggest money pit is benefits.


Wrong. http://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk/breakdown shows that the NHS and pensions cost more. As a post above pointed out, benefits covers all kinds of things - income substitution, rent, council tax, tax credits, etc. Only a small proportion is income substitution and people have paid in for those just as they have paid in for a pension.


Churchill never did as you suggested so if it was good enough for him....

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