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Mass shooting at an America shopping mall

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Dreadful, the second in Wisconsin this year. Surely the argument that the right to bear arms is coming apart. You never hear of these nutters being stopped by a member of the general public with a gun.


What's the score on mass shootings to date? Has it so far passed the total of around 80 in Norway?

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What makes you say that? "There have been two un-connected mass shootings in one state this year so the right to bear arms should be overturned?" On what grounds?


AFAIK; Wisconsin is not renowned for being a state which has a particularly high level of firearm ownership, nor is it renowned for having lax rules. ('The Right to bear Arms' is a constitutional right, but that doesn't mean that State or local government cannot limit where and when you may exercise that right.)


When full-bore pistols were banned in the UK, the number of people who owned such weapons lawfully fell almost to zero, but the number of full-bore pistols held by criminals increased considerably. I suspect (and you may be hard-put to find the exact figures) that the number of crimes in which firearms were used in the UK has increased significantly since 1997, when most full-bore handguns were banned.




Could that be because such events tend not to make the news in the UK?



Examples of armed citizens coming to the aid of officers in peril


Thanks for the links, it gives a little more credence to the "I want a gun" argument. That said the organisation on the bottom link do sound a bit nutty. I can't see it changing massively - maybe a ban on automatic weapons but can't see that either.


It's like getting a Frenchman to give up wine.

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What's the score on mass shootings to date? Has it so far passed the total of around 80 in Norway?


I think you can attribute a lot of the deaths in the 2011 Norwegian shooting to the remote location of Utoya Island.

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And the last mass shooting was.....


Come on man, you've got google !!!:hihi:


That's only because Brits dont know how to shoot more that one bullet, anyhow hasnt there been some mass shootings of school children in the uk as I recall.

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That's only because Brits dont know how to shoot more that one bullet, anyhow hasnt there been some mass shootings of school children in the uk as I recall.


Yep dunblane in 1996. Our last mass shooting was two years ago. I can only remember 3 in the past 25 years but am prepared to be corrected.


But now you're just lobbing insults/unfunny jokes. You want to arm yourselves to the teeth with all kinds of firearms, go right ahead.

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That's only because Brits dont know how to shoot more that one bullet, anyhow hasnt there been some mass shootings of school children in the uk as I recall.


The only mass shooting at a school in the UK that I can remember was the 1996 Dunblane massacre.

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