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Need your honest help of what you would do in my situation

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So what is that Solicitors from Hell site about? Is it that the law firm go hard on client???? I don't understand. The site has confused me. Pardon me mate.


there is no real evidence that any of the stories on that site are true. the owner makes no attempt to verify the truth of them and only removes them if the mentioned solicitor pays a very large fee.


the owner of that site has been sued and lost several times for defamation and libel. he relocated the site out of the uk to avoid it being shut down by the uk courts.


unfortunately, some people have completely unrealistic expectations of what the chances of success of their case is and the amount of damages they expect to receive and when things don't pan out like in their fantasy complain, even though they have no real grounds to. the owner of this site seems to be someone in this category.


as with any industry, occasionally the service isn't quite as good as it should be and all solicitors have procedures which deal with these situations and there are outside regulators who can and do take appropriate action when necessary.


the big solicitors got big because they are good, in some cases very good, at what they do.

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anyway, to get back to your original question.....


what you should do is contact each of the solicitors you mention and discuss your case with them. they will be able to give you a far better idea of the merits of your case than the armchair nutters who post on here. they will also be able to discuss how your case should be funded.

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the big solicitors got big because they are good, in some cases very good, at what they do.


Yes I read article where Irwin Mitchell was top ranked against NHS.


I shall quote the text for others not bothered to go to site


SfH was an extremely popular website allowing members of the general public to warn others about solicitors providing poor levels of service or those acting dishonestly or abusing their positions as solicitors. Hudson had claimed that the website was defamatory of the solicitors listed. If he truly believed this then the most appropriate course of action would have been for each solicitor to take defamation action against RK. Those listings would then be removed. Sadly, Britain once again lived up to its reputation of being the libel capital of the world and drove yet another nail into the fast decaying coffin of freedom of speech .


When it became obvious that the legal system would stop at nothing to silence critics of the legal profession i felt I had to do my bit for freedom of speech. Having downloaded a copy of SfH I decided that the best course of action would be to publish those firms listed on SfH. Hopefully this will help members of the general public make an informed decision on whether to employ the services of those mentioned. Obviously I have not included the actual comments that were complained of.


they will also be able to discuss how your case should be funded.


By my family as I cannot do it myself.


@Angel. i'm not a troll sweetheart.

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Which has better reputation and word of mouth to take on clinical negligence claims against the NHS on a private-paying basis?


Thompsons Vs Irwin Mitchell Vs Russel Jones Walker or your suggestions please



However, on Solicitors from Hell, all three of these firms are listed



I have all evidence I need, and how to go about it. I want a law firm on a private paying basis and my family can make decisions for me. It's simple but I can't find the right one.


IM good from personal experience. But why private-paying, why not no-win, no-fee?


If you go no-win, no-fee, they will look at your case, and they will only take it on if there is a very high chance of winning, so the risk is on them.


If they wouldn't take it on a no-win, no fee basis, you're probably on to a loser and it could cost you big if you decide to fund it.

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Which has better reputation and word of mouth to take on clinical negligence claims against the NHS on a private-paying basis?


Thompsons Vs Irwin Mitchell Vs Russel Jones Walker or your suggestions please



However, on Solicitors from Hell, all three of these firms are listed



I have all evidence I need, and how to go about it. I want a law firm on a private paying basis and my family can make decisions for me. It's simple but I can't find the right one.


Why not pay each of them for an hour of their time. Explain why you think you should get compensation, then when they tell you you are an idiot, LISTEN TO THEM and give up.

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..... drove yet another nail into the fast decaying coffin of freedom of speech.....


freedom of speech does not mean freedom to defame and libel


By my family as I cannot do it myself.


i meant whether or not a CFA would be a better funding arrangement than private funding.

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Why not pay each of them for an hour of their time. Explain why you think you should get compensation, then when they tell you you are an idiot, LISTEN TO THEM and give up.


most will probably give 30 minutes for free, which will probably be more than enough

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Which has better reputation and word of mouth to take on clinical negligence claims against the NHS on a private-paying basis?


Thompsons Vs Irwin Mitchell Vs Russel Jones Walker or your suggestions please



However, on Solicitors from Hell, all three of these firms are listed



I have all evidence I need, and how to go about it. I want a law firm on a private paying basis and my family can make decisions for me. It's simple but I can't find the right one.


Why have you started ANOTHER thread about your dental compensation claim. That's five now.

This one... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1070051

This one... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1066400

This one... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1066399


and a hillarious (now closed) fourth thread that banged on about your dead cert winning case.


You have asked three times now for recommendations between practices.... then been asking how to scam your benefits to get maximum compensation and avoid paying back taxpayer monies to the DWP.... then tried pretending that you dont have the mental capicity to instruct without help from a litigation friend despite stating you are going to start your own business with your award.... oh and also chuntered on about how your case is going to have a "guiness world record settlement"


You have had at least two lawyers trying to explain in your thick head that no medical negligence is a guaranteed success and they are extremly difficult to prove both liability and causation on.


You have also been told now on several occasions that you will NOT be paying privately. The costs were spelt out to you very clearly running into tens of thousands for even just the initial stage of a claim. For someone who claims to be on benefits you are in a dreamland if you think private instruction is going to happen.


Finally it has been made clear to you that any attempts to scam your way through a claim will lead to severe consequences. Judges and Defendant lawyers are not thick and your discrepancies and lack of consistancies in you jackanory threads makes you stick out like a sore thumb.


Now, here we are again with another thread banging on about the same issue.


What is wrong with you?


You are clearly a timewaster with no intention of making a genuine claim.

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