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Miners' strike policing: MP calls for Orgreave inquiry

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I am proud to have lived through times when the people of Yorkshire had a backbone.


And don't forget principles and, PRIDE too many people are too quick to criticise the miners, they were fighting for their livelihoods and families, the women joined in also.

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And don't forget principles and, PRIDE too many people are too quick to criticise the miners, they were fighting for their livelihoods and families, the women joined in also.


And now we rely on gas from Iran,Norway and Russia and coal from Australia,so the miners were actually acting patriotically-the so called "enemy within".In fact Thatcher was the antiemetic within,as was revealed when she took her seat in cabinet.

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robcalder says we have, "the best and fairest legal system in the world."

Would he now join me in calling for a full and independent enquiry into why not one single police officer has been prosecuted, or even investigated, after charges of riot brought against striking miners were thrown out of court.

Lets put the best and fairest to the test rob, what's to be scared of?


There have been a number of enquiries, all of them, except the last, have vindicated the Police. The last one, made up predominantly people from the Merseyside area and presided over by the Bishop of Liverpool has given Police bashers the outcome they desire.


I sincerely hope that individual Police Officers, assuming they can receive a fair trial, are put before a jury. They will, in all probaility, be found not guilty. They will then have the opportunity of suing those who have hounded them for so many years.

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Your obsession with the woman is quite taxing, we get it, you dont like her, she will die, so will all of us. She is not going to prison not now not ever, she did nothing illegal.


Grow up.


Swami, is this the post you have had so much trouble with? That has led you to believe that I am anti Police and Government?


If so, I cant see what it is about it that gives that impression.


I hope you not smoking illegal substances again. Remember driving a carpet under the influence is a serious offence.

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And don't forget principles and, PRIDE too many people are too quick to criticise the miners, they were fighting for their livelihoods and families, the women joined in also.


They were like sheep, led by communists and traitors. The Notts miners were men of principle refusing to be cowed by the Scargills bully boys.

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They were like sheep, led by communists and traitors. The Notts miners were men of principle refusing to be cowed by the Scargills bully boys.


They formed the UDM whose leader Roy Lynk drew benefits of £150,000 pa (with a membership base of 1.200) and president Neil Greatrax ,found guilty of defrauding the miners welfare fund.This alone makes Scargill almost angelic, a paragon.When the pits were closed they shut the Nottingham mines first by way of a thankyou for their complicity and lack of bottle.


Over to you Mister C:hihi:

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Ah dear old Maggie,she decimates communities ,brings back the poll tax and paves the way by destroying the unions for the introduction of the Con that goes by the name of "Minimum Wage"..God Bless Her.Scargill warned what would happen yet he's demonized for the strike..c'est la vie

Sorry i forgot she also gave the Police more power than they ever had ,the repercussions are still being felt today

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They formed the UDM whose leader Roy Lynk drew benefits of £150,000 pa (with a membership base of 1.200) and president Neil Greatrax ,found guilty of defrauding the miners welfare fund.This alone makes Scargill almost angelic, a paragon.When the pits were closed they shut the Nottingham mines first by way of a thankyou for their complicity and lack of bottle.


Over to you Mister C:hihi:


The facts are that the Notts miners were fed massive bonuses and told that their pits were safe. This was done to split the union (divide and rule).

The Notts miners (not the brightest stars in the galaxy) believed what the liars told them and formed a breakaway union. When they had served their purpose their pits were closed anyhow (according to plan).

Moral of the story?..........Never trust a tory.:)

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This country now is in massive need of everything that Maggie destroyed. Gas and electricity were produced from coal. We have 100 years of reserves that the milk snatcher blocked off. How we need that coal now! Instead we are paying through the nose for electricity and gas to fund shareholders holidays!

The old witch destroyed our manufacturing base, now the tory boys are spending billions in an attempt to build a manufacturing base once more.

Thatcherism has been proved to be a total failure.

She also murdered lots of Argentinians on the Belgrano.

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