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Miners' strike policing: MP calls for Orgreave inquiry

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Couple of corrections.


What brought this country into bankruptcy was bankers lending money they didn't have to people who couldn't afford to pay it back. Currently the bankers have huge wodges of money they are refusing to lend - or as you might call it - on strike.


Police Unison branches are for civilian workers.


People like Starbucks and Amazon and all the other companies that avoid tax - how much worse it is that they bankrupt the country like that.


Let's stop calling them offshore accounts and call them corrupt accounts.


Off thread,but nevertheless i agree 100% with this point.

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Makes no difference to me what the last word is,

And i'm not talking about working conditions, i'm talking about Union "sanctioned" fiddling, Union sanctioned skiving and poor working practices that made the pits non cost effective.


You seem very knowledgeable-surely you could have disclosed these to the appropriate authorities.A failure to disclose would surely be perverting the course of justice?


Perhaps Willman has put him/herself forward to the enquiry to give the evidence he/she posseses.....

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Anna Glypta[/b];9281086]Odd innit?






Like you said. Best to get the facts straight.


Reading the website suggests they cater for police workers( admin staff) not the front-line bobbies,so I think your triumphalism is misplaced and premature.You presumably are used to a pasting?


Nice one............:thumbsup:

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I understand the news media edited the footage such that the miners appeared to throw missiles which provoked the police onslaught.If you watch the film,when the police charge there is no debris on the ground,suggesting nothing had been thrown at that stage.


And please don't let it get in front of the fact, that orders were put out that Arthur Scargill was to be arrested as soon as he set foot on Orgreave, NO MATTER WHAT HE'D DONE IT WAS PRE-EMPTED.


All the people who are knocking the miners; I wonder how many of you, would do a shift down the pit, I reckon not one of you.


Try working in the conditions they had to put up with, you wouldn't like it trust me; also remember before the attack on the miners there were 56 pits in Yorkshire, there are now 3.

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Strange that it has taken so long for ‘this’ to be mentioned by the ‘wronged’ police or investigated and reported by the BBC.


And what great timing this is. Could this be a smoke screen by the BBC to divert public attention elsewhere, while their own dirt is being dredged up into the public domain?

Given the amount of coverage the BBC is giving to it's cancelling of an edition of the Newsnight programme, it seems unlikely.

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I don't think there's much point in conducting an inquiary into the miners strike, no-one got prosecuted and it's always been know the police evidence was dodgy.


An Enquiary into South Yorkshire Police would be much more useful to the public, they were fiddling statements during the strike, they were fiddling statements at Hillsborough.

Who was organising it all and if/when did policy change?


When the local police force has twice in one month been fingered for false statements it does raise a few questions.

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