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Miners' strike policing: MP calls for Orgreave inquiry

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Strange that it has taken so long for ‘this’ to be mentioned by the ‘wronged’ police or investigated and reported by the BBC.


And what great timing this is. Could this be a smoke screen by the BBC to divert public attention elsewhere, while their own dirt is being dredged up into the public domain?


I doubt that the BBC would want to draw attention to the Miners Strike diven their dubious role in the affair.


Wasn't in at the Orgreave Pit where the now notorious footage from the BBC when broadcast in 1984 which apparently alledged that coal miners charged at the police. In fact the BBC had altered the original footage which was the police were charging at the miners.

The investigative journalist Seamus Milne in the book 'The Enemy Within' details this and how MI5 used dirty tricks against the miners (agent provocateurs etc).

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Lets have another enquiry. its an obsession and will achieve f all just like hillsborough enquiry which will not even look at the fans having done any wrong because they are imune as the leaders are scared to mention the culprits i.e the fans at least in part. Jimmy Saville is dead, another waste of time and taxpayers money. Both the above will be total whitewashes because a) all fans not guilty, b) Jimmy cant defend himself. Everything is so one sided that although the police and Jimmy may be guilty of something so much time has passed that i for one will take all findings as maybe not facts. Why cant we just move on. Ed milliband gets guy sacked for calling a copper a pleb. We all make mistakes, so long as we learn lets move on rather than this sick blame culture driven by greed.


But isn't the point that if we sweep everything under the carpet, the only lesson that will be learned is those with the power can act with impunity and they can carry on with their nefarious deeds. I think it was David Cameron who said (in a different context) 'the best way to clean out corruption is for misdeeds to be investigated'.

With regards to your assertion that Ed Miliband got the guy sacked, I think it was the pressure from his colleagues on the Tory backbenches that did it for Mitchell.

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Genuine question (for once) are you saying that the unions were never infiltrated by "foreign powers" shall we say?


I thought that was what MI5 was for, counter espionage, terrorism and the protection of economic interest.

Infiltrating the unions, who were bringing this country to it's knees would have been well within their remit.

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