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End of holiday blues

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Back to uni today :( we art students start back later for some reason!

Had an email disagreement with tutor over my work placement, I dont see how stuffing envelopes is adequate media industry training when I can do that in the PAID job I already have!

He wont accept my job as media industry training...sod! So will quit the work placement I have already and attempt to get on student radio.


If that fails...any other suggestions?


Local radio stations such as Hallam/BBC Sheffield wont take you on unless youre a postgrad (altho my jammy mate has got a placement there cos he knows someone very high up, grrrrrrrr!)

Sheffield Star is also the same...dont wanna know unless youre a postgrad!


How are you supposed to gain experience if no one takes the chance to give you any?


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Originally posted by nomme

Dunno if this helps Mosh but may be worth checking out: http://www.sheffieldlive.org/




Get yourself down to sheffield live! I went and did a couple of shows with my friend i'm not sure how long it's staying in the old ncpm for with the new hallam union moving in so just go there and see whats going on.



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Im going to a meeting later on with a mate to student radio station (Rush Radio) He's missing a co-presenter and I did I bit with him previously so fingers crossed! I'll let you know how it goes on if youz are interested. If it all goes tits up then will follow up on other suggestions ta peeps! :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by GazB

You're only just going back now?!

Bloody tax-dodgers.. er.. I mean Students :D

Tee hee! I know and its only a "mickey mouse" degree as well! :P


I pay me taxes tho! All of 12p out of me wages! Mwah ha haaaaaaaa!

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Originally posted by GazB

That's shocking.. I applied for a job (didn't get it) that would have meant £180 a week in tax and NI.

I only work 15 hours a week and get just over £85 a week.... I get £5.15 an hour. (plus clothing allowance sometimes!)

Im not worth being taxed but they still take it from me.....then I get it back anyway :thumbsup:

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Well....... Ive volunteered to be a radio producer!

:thumbsup: have to wait until Im assigned to a show and then see what happens from there! :D hopefully I get some training otherwise my radio show will be pure anarchy!




Hmmmmmmmmm not too bad then! :wink:


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