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Freestyle technique swim course for Triathletes & Swimmers

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6 Week Freestyle Technique Course


The course is hosted by Black Knights Tri.


The course is open to anyone who can already swim 400m of freestyle without stopping, and is fit enough for an hour of easy freestyle broken into mostly 50m, and some 100m intervals with regular adequate rests.


The course is limited to eight places for which we have two lanes at Ponds Forge on Wednesday evenings. Poolside session intro at 19:15, for 19:30-20:30 wet session. The course costs £60 and is made up of six sessions. Fins, swimming snorkels, and other teaching aids are all supplied on the course.


The course covers valuable practices and focus points to enhance all aspects of the freestyle stroke. Freestyle technique is broken down, explained, and drilled, to provide participants with a healthy understanding of the stroke leading to some personal improvement in swimming freestyle.


If you have any questions, or would like to enrol on the course, just contact Ali at Black Knights Tri at the email below.


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