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Does the bible mention Mohammed (the last prophet of Islam) ?

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I have read the Quran, it says nothing about any of the claims you made about Mohammad, neither does the news on TV or in the papers.


The Hadith should not over ride the Quran to anyone professes to be a genuine Muslim.


some of those who claim to be followers of Mohammad selective read the texts so that they back up extremist attitudes but they have more in common with those that selectively read them who are anti Muslim than they do with Mohammad.


Stop trying to change the subject, I asked for evidence for your claims relating to Mohammad and Revelation - what is it about this thread (which is potentially very good) that inspires people to avoid direct questions?


So have you any intention of providing that evidence or are you just going to try to push your anti Islamic attitude and troll this thread?



already provided, its just you cannot see it.

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Damn! Where is it? Did I miss it? I was waiting as well... you pop out to make a sandwich and look what happens... that'll teach me... sigh


Again.. In the actions of the cults founder and the actions of the cults followers since, to now. Clear?:roll:

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Again.. In the actions of the cults founder and the actions of the cults followers since, to now. Clear?:roll:


Errr... no.


You are supposed to be doing this -


Please provide scriptural evidence that Mohammad is to return at the end of days.


Please provide historical documentation that Revelations is specifically meant for the end of mankind and wasn't meant for the time of Jesus.


Please provide scientific evidence that God exists, Christ is God, and there will be an antiChrist.



I think we both know you're out of you depth here aren't you?

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already provided, its just you cannot see it.


You're not Borderline in disguise are you? What is it with people not providing answers to simple questions and claiming it's me who can't see it today?


You clearly haven't provided any evidence, all you've done is show you have an aversion to Islam, you have given no evidence whatsoever about your claim that Mohammad is the subject of revelation. The evidence you have claimed could refer to thousands of people throughout history.


So i'll ask again (probably in vain)


Please provide scriptural evidence that Mohammad is to return at the end of days.


Please provide historical documentation that Revelations is specifically meant for the end of mankind and wasn't meant for the time of Jesus.


Please provide scientific evidence that God exists, Christ is God, and there will be an antiChrist.


As you claim you have proof that Mohammad is the antiChrist you should at least be able to provide the evidence I asked for here - as the bare minimum.

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Again.. In the actions of the cults founder and the actions of the cults followers since, to now. Clear?:roll:


Well no because you claimed the criteria you gave showed that Mohammad was the antiChrist - so it can only apply to one person, so even if it is Mohammad (which you are yet to provide the tiniest, teeniest bit of evidence for) it cannot be his followers as well.


On top of that the criteria you gave applies to people of other religions and secularists as well as Muslims so you might need to be a little bit more specific.

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you're not borderline in disguise are you? What is it with people not providing answers to simple questions and claiming it's me who can't see it today?


You clearly haven't provided any evidence, all you've done is show you have an aversion to islam, you have given no evidence whatsoever about your claim that mohammad is the subject of revelation. The evidence you have claimed could refer to thousands of people throughout history.


So i'll ask again (probably in vain)


please provide scriptural evidence that mohammad is to return at the end of days.


Please provide historical documentation that revelations is specifically meant for the end of mankind and wasn't meant for the time of jesus.


Please provide scientific evidence that god exists, christ is god, and there will be an antichrist.


As you claim you have proof that mohammad is the antichrist you should at least be able to provide the evidence i asked for here - as the bare minimum.


look at what this cult leader actually did. Whats wrong with his actions?

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Well no because you claimed the criteria you gave showed that Mohammad was the antiChrist - so it can only apply to one person, so even if it is Mohammad (which you are yet to provide the tiniest, teeniest bit of evidence for) it cannot be his followers as well.


On top of that the criteria you gave applies to people of other religions and secularists as well as Muslims so you might need to be a little bit more specific.


REALLY? :roll:

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