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Does the bible mention Mohammed (the last prophet of Islam) ?

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No the Bible doe's not mention Mohammed, The verses you are refering to

Dueteronomy 18:18 & 18:15-16 is the Father raising a prophet up like Moses which is the Lord Jesus Christ himself. 18:18 I will raise them up a "Prophet" (Jesus Christ) from among their brethren, like unto thee (Moses) and will put my words (Heavenly Father) in his mouth; ( Jesus Christ) and he (Jesus Christ) shall speak unto them all that I (Heavenly Father)shall command him (Jesus Christ). And in verse 15: The Lord thy God ( Heavenly Father) will raise up unto thee a Phophet (Jesus Christ) from the midst of thee(Moses) of thy brethren (The Jewish nation) like unto Me (Heavenly Father) unto him (Jesus Christ) ye shall hearken. And in John 16:7. It is talking about the Lord (Jesus Christ) leaving his deciples and sending them a comforter when he (Jesus Christ) has left them the comforter he is talking about is the (Holy Ghost). I hope this clarify's the scriptures for you, and if you believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings read John 14:6: Regards Albert.


How do you know this is about Jesus?


Bear in mind I said 'know' and not believe.


You are of course entitled to believe it is about Jesus, I am not questioning your belief but your ascertion that this verse is not about Mohammad but Jesus, which implies you have some overwhealming evidence for your interpretation.


For an Islamic perspective on the interpretation of it being about Jesus see the O/P's link in post #49 which argues against the Christian interpretation.


Just a quick edit to say I'm not arguing for the Islamic interpretation, just trying to ascertain why some people think their interpretation is the more valid one.

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the Trinity as you refer to them was only brought in with the Council of Constantinople in 360 AD


Tertullian, a Latin theologian who wrote in the early 3rd century, is credited with using the words "Trinity" "person" and "substance" to explain that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are "one in essence—not one in Person".

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To plain talker: I do not refer to the trinity I do not believe in the trinity I believe that the Father, Jesus Christ & Holy Ghost are 3 seperate beings as Jesus many many times refers to He is about his fathers work not his own he prayes to his father who is in heaven and not to himself when he is on the cross he askes his father to forgive them for they know not what they do he doe's not ask himself for he has already forgiven them.

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To plain talker: I do not refer to the trinity I do not believe in the trinity I believe that the Father, Jesus Christ & Holy Ghost are 3 seperate beings as Jesus many many times refers to He is about his fathers work not his own he prayes to his father who is in heaven and not to himself when he is on the cross he askes his father to forgive them for they know not what they do he doe's not ask himself for he has already forgiven them.


So you believe in three christian gods?

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THATS WHAT JESUS WAS ABOUT. madhamad was was the total opposite, the ANTICHRIST..


Hmm. You keep editing your posts to add more. You're still just ignoring the point I made about God/Jesus's responsibility for genocide, slavery and rape. In the Old Testament he repeatedly commands his followers to commit a variety of atrocities, including mass murder, kidnap, rape, etc.I don't care that some wishy-washy, unhelpful hippy stuff is attributed to him in the New Testament. Hitler was nice to children and animals and liked painting pretty pictures. Does that mean we should forget the holocaust?

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PaliRichard: I know because I have studied the scriptures if you read the verses before and after it tells you who it is it is Jesus Christ himself talking. the only way for anyone to know the truth is to have an open mind, read, study, and ask, as it says in James 1:5: If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him, End quote verse 6 says But let him ask in faith nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. it means if you do not have an open mind you will never get the answers you look for because only God can give people spiritual answers to spiritual questions.


Regards Albert.

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I'm afraid I don't see any relation between my post 312

I've read it, and I know it pretty well. I suggest you read a sceptical analysis.Regardless; I don't see how that addresses my point. If anything, it just underlines the fact that the Bible is full of inconsistencies
and your reply, 313

Hence I keep saying look at the actions of the man. Look at the actions of jesus and then mohammed its that simple


As I've pointed out; actions attributed to Jesus (who is, apparently, also God) suggest that he was a much more evil person than Mohammed. In fact Mohammed, as a mortal, was probably no better or worse than many other leaders of his time.


If the Bible is true, Jesus/God is responsible for hundreds of years of atrocities. At least Mohammed can only be directly blamed for stuff he did or commanded in his lifetime.

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I believe that there is a supreme being namely Heavenly Father who all are answerable to even his son Jesus Christ who fullfilled his fathers plan so that we can all by our faithfullness and love for others can return and live with them share and inherit all that our father in heaven has.



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