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Does the bible mention Mohammed (the last prophet of Islam) ?

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I am sure there are many learned Christians that know the bible better then me.


I believe the following verses are referring to Mohammed:


"I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him". Deuteronomy 18.18


Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. John 16:7


"The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brethren - him you shall heed - just as you desired of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, 'Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God or see this great fire any more, lest I die' ". Deuteronomy 18.15-16.


When the people saw the sign which he had done, they said, 'This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world'. John 6.14





the question you should be really asking is ....


why is jeruslem so important to muslims when Mohammed never ever vistited the place..


Jerusalem is never mentioned by name in the Qur'an, but is mentioned 823 times in the Bible,

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Yup it's me again. Any chance of answering my questions please?


By the way, I got a letter from your lot today offering Sunday school services!


Imagine that, why would I possibly trust you to answer the questions of children when you can't even manage to answer questions that you have specifically requested yourself?


The mind boggles.

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the question you should be really asking is ....


why is jeruslem so important to muslims when Mohammed never ever vistited the place..


Jerusalem is never mentioned by name in the Qur'an, but is mentioned 823 times in the Bible,


Aaccording to the Qur'an, Mohammed did visit Jerusalem.

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Yup it's me again. Any chance of answering my questions please?


By the way, I got a letter from your lot today offering Sunday school services!


Imagine that, why would I possibly trust you to answer the questions of children when you can't even manage to answer questions that you have specifically requested yourself?


The mind boggles.


Do you think the bible is made up (other posters on here think so . because if you answer this one question in detail it will form a road map to other question

there are history book and wisdom book and poetry book and law books for now we can just take Acts Luke and Matthew as historical records

Made up fiction , made up for a reason or really happened ?

please give your reasons , i have just spent 2 years on the book of acts so i would be pleased to see your reasoning .

It would be nice if you could post without being clearly inflammatory and off topic and to honest very personal , iv done nothing to you , i have a strong faith backed up with study and prayer . i think other posters clearly trust you so if its made up (The Bible) please tell when? who by ? at what time? in what language? if altered when ? and why

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Do you think the bible is made up (other posters on here think so . because if you answer this one question in detail it will form a road map to other question

there are history book and wisdom book and poetry book and law books for now we can just take Acts Luke and Matthew as historical records

Made up fiction , made up for a reason or really happened ?


If it hasn't been made up and written down by some human beings then the bible

a)wrote itself.

b)was written by God himself.


So it was written by humans, and as such it varies in its imperfections. No document is "what really happened". The Bible, in particular, is a collection of documents that have been through not one, but countless editorial processes. It's like a palimpsest, and were it straighforward it would never had had the impact it has, as there would be nothing to interpret and get all scholarly over.


Like astrological charts, rorsach inkblots, tea leaves, the Koran, Talmud, numerology etc - the bible has become primarily a tool for introspection and self awareness. That it chimes in places with the established historical record isn't surprising, but there's not much historical corroboration with Ezekiel, for example.


So it's not "completely made up", neither is it "what really happened". It is what it is, which is a great deal more complex than your primary colour characterisations.

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Do you think the bible is made up (other posters on here think so . because if you answer this one question in detail it will form a road map to other question[/Quote]


Why do you insist on avoiding things?


there are history book and wisdom book and poetry book and law books for now we can just take Acts Luke and Matthew as historical records

Made up fiction , made up for a reason or really happened ?

please give your reasons , i have just spent 2 years on the book of acts so i would be pleased to see your reasoning[/Quote]


Are you for real? I've been trying for months to get you to answer a simple set of questions, some of which you specifically requested and you're telling me to give reasons?


It would be nice if you could post without being clearly inflammatory[/Quote]


I'm not being inflammatory, you requested questions and I gave you them, you have since avoided answering them so I keep prompting you.


Please explain why that is inflammatory.


and off topic[/Quote]


How can questions about prophesy be off topic in a thread about prophesy?


and to honest very personal[/Quote]


It's personal because you, as a person, requested the questions, I gave them to you, as a person, and you have avoided answering them.


I would do the same to anyone in the same circumstances, it's not 'personal' as in anything against you.


iv done nothing to you[/Quote]


You've certainly done alot of avoiding.


Let me ask you this, what is your aversion to answering the questions? They're not difficult from a philosophical position, if what you say is true they should be easy for you to answer. So why do you have difficulty with them? Why not just answer them, point by point and have done?


i have a strong faith backed up with study and prayer[/Quote]


Absolutely no difficulty with that whatsoever from a personal perspective.


It's when you start claiming 'proof' for that perspective and when that proof is questioned running a mile to ignore those questions I have a problem with.


i think other posters clearly trust you[/Quote]


Not sure where you get that from! I think the only thing I have on this forum is I'm straight down the line and if I don't know will say I don't know, if I do I will say I do, and if I am shown to be wrong I apologise, and that upsets more people than endears me to them I assure you.


so if its made up (The Bible) please tell when? who by ? at what time? in what language? if altered when ? and why


That's a hell of a list and I don't know all the answers, but I'll tell you what, I will do my best to answer to the best of my ability when you've answered my questions point by point, how's that grab you :thumbsup:

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If it hasn't been made up and written down by some human beings then the bible

a)wrote itself.

b)was written by God himself.


So it was written by humans, and as such it varies in its imperfections. No document is "what really happened". The Bible, in particular, is a collection of documents that have been through not one, but countless editorial processes. It's like a palimpsest, and were it straighforward it would never had had the impact it has, as there would be nothing to interpret and get all scholarly over.


Like astrological charts, rorsach inkblots, tea leaves, the Koran, Talmud, numerology etc - the bible has become primarily a tool for introspection and self awareness. That it chimes in places with the established historical record isn't surprising, but there's not much historical corroboration with Ezekiel, for example.


So it's not "completely made up", neither is it "what really happened". It is what it is, which is a great deal more complex than your primary colour characterisations.


The only part of the bible i was ever interested in was this part.>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Son_of_God_(TV_series)

Seems ironic that listening to an interview with an agnostic BBC middle east correspondent is why i decided to watch it,and the more i saw of it the more convinced i became that what i had previously believed wasn't a made up fairy story.

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Why do you insist on avoiding things?




Are you for real? I've been trying for months to get you to answer a simple set of questions, some of which you specifically requested and you're telling me to give reasons?




I'm not being inflammatory, you requested questions and I gave you them, you have since avoided answering them so I keep prompting you.


Please explain why that is inflammatory.




How can questions about prophesy be off topic in a thread about prophesy?




It's personal because you, as a person, requested the questions, I gave them to you, as a person, and you have avoided answering them.


I would do the same to anyone in the same circumstances, it's not 'personal' as in anything against you.




You've certainly done alot of avoiding.


Let me ask you this, what is your aversion to answering the questions? They're not difficult from a philosophical position, if what you say is true they should be easy for you to answer. So why do you have difficulty with them? Why not just answer them, point by point and have done?




Absolutely no difficulty with that whatsoever from a personal perspective.


It's when you start claiming 'proof' for that perspective and when that proof is questioned running a mile to ignore those questions I have a problem with.




Not sure where you get that from! I think the only thing I have on this forum is I'm straight down the line and if I don't know will say I don't know, if I do I will say I do, and if I am shown to be wrong I apologise, and that upsets more people than endears me to them I assure you.




That's a hell of a list and I don't know all the answers, but I'll tell you what, I will do my best to answer to the best of my ability when you've answered my questions point by point, how's that grab you :thumbsup:


Sila: Virtue, morality:

3) Samma vaca: Right speech: no lying, criticism, condemning, gossip, harsh language

• Dream

• One of the High Lamas may dream about some mark or location that will identify the boy.

• Smoke

• If the previous Dalai Lama was cremated, High Lamas will watch the direction of the smoke and search accordingly.

• Oracle Lake

• High Lamas go to a holy lake, called Lhamo Lhatso, in central Tibet and watch for a sign from the lake itself. This may be either a vision or some indication of the direction in which to search.The home and village of Tenzin Gyatso was identified in a vision from this lake.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm give me a solid base of the good old Bible

here is what truth looks like

23But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 24But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

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