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Does the bible mention Mohammed (the last prophet of Islam) ?

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Sila: Virtue, morality:

3) Samma vaca: Right speech: no lying, criticism, condemning, gossip, harsh language

• Dream

• One of the High Lamas may dream about some mark or location that will identify the boy.

• Smoke

• If the previous Dalai Lama was cremated, High Lamas will watch the direction of the smoke and search accordingly.

• Oracle Lake

• High Lamas go to a holy lake, called Lhamo Lhatso, in central Tibet and watch for a sign from the lake itself. This may be either a vision or some indication of the direction in which to search.The home and village of Tenzin Gyatso was identified in a vision from this lake.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm give me a solid base of the good old Bible

here is what truth looks like

23But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 24But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God. 25Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.


Well done for your further avoidance, your evasion is truly outstanding.


I'm not a Tibetan Buddhist, so I am completely at a loss as to what you are trying to achieve by showing me this or what it actually refers to.



Right speech: no lying, criticism, condemning, gossip, harsh language[/Quote]


I'm not lying, criticising, condemning, gossiping or using harsh language toward you, I'm asking you to answer questions that you asked for, now back to those answers you were just about to give me.....

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Do you think the bible is made up (other posters on here think so . because if you answer this one question in detail it will form a road map to other question

there are history book and wisdom book and poetry book and law books for now we can just take Acts Luke and Matthew as historical records

Made up fiction , made up for a reason or really happened ?

please give your reasons , i have just spent 2 years on the book of acts so i would be pleased to see your reasoning .

It would be nice if you could post without being clearly inflammatory and off topic and to honest very personal , iv done nothing to you , i have a strong faith backed up with study and prayer . i think other posters clearly trust you so if its made up (The Bible) please tell when? who by ? at what time? in what language? if altered when ? and why


Worst dodge ever :shakes:

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I think he's trying to infer that the word Mahamaddim (of which Mohammad is derived from, or more correctly the word 'root' is the same) is found in the Bible therefore the Islamic prophet can be shown to be in the Bible.


In the Hebrew language im is added for for plurality of respect. Similarely im is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) to make it Muhammadim.

This explains this well.

You Have No Right to Translate Individuals' Names!

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In the Hebrew language im is added for for plurality of respect. Similarely im is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) to make it Muhammadim.

This explains this well.

You Have No Right to Translate Individuals' Names!


And in the passages stated the word Mahamaddim is not personal (ie, not a name), so claiming that it is the name Mohammad with 'im' added on for respect makes no sense whatsoever.


If you would like to put the whole passage on where you think Mohammad is mentioned so we can examine the context please feel free.

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I can only speak up for the bible , its certainly not made up , the detail is Eminence layer upon layer , take Paul,s journeys in acts the places facts interwoven with Independence sources ,historians we trust

Its true to say the bible is not a history book alone , there is LAW Poetry Prophesy and Parables Wisdom and Science . God made it a choice to believe or not and you seem to have made that choice . What you can not say is the Bible was just made up , its worth looking deeper , i am looking into Ezra at the moment very interesting .The Bible is worth caring about

God may have "made it a choice to believe or not", as you say, but Man made God. Also, there is no science in the Bible; it's pure fiction. And there's no law in the Bible - none that applies to me, anyway! :hihi:
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Well done for your further avoidance, your evasion is truly outstanding.


I'm not a Tibetan Buddhist, so I am completely at a loss as to what you are trying to achieve by showing me this or what it actually refers to.




I'm not lying, criticising, condemning, gossiping or using harsh language toward you, I'm asking you to answer questions that you asked for, now back to those answers you were just about to give me.....


so are Tibetan Buddhists idol worshipers and your sect have the revealed truth? and if that is so how do you know?

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so are Tibetan Buddhists idol worshipers and your sect have the revealed truth? and if that is so how do you know?


No, no Buddhists are idol worshipers, I'm still waiting for you to tell me why you think they are as I am still waiting for the answers to all the questions I asked you.


What revealed truth do you think it is we have that they don't?


Why do you keep avoiding the questions?

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