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Work in retirement or received reduced pension!!


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What work are they going to do in another country that will be of any benefit to this one.


Many of them aren't going to get pensions. - Those that do may find that the value of their pension is frozen at the rate it was on the day they emigrated.


None of them is going to cost the NHS any money.


Some of them do get winter heating allowance - and IMO, the government might wish to re-consider that.


Importing qualified immigrants saves the country the cost of training them.


Exporting pensioners saves the country the cost of looking after them.

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Many retired people are already involved in doing volunteer work. We look after the grandkids three days a week, pick them up from school, make sure they get their homework done properly and keep em apart when the sibling rivalry starts getting out of hand

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Many of them aren't going to get pensions. - Those that do may find that the value of their pension is frozen at the rate it was on the day they emigrated.


None of them is going to cost the NHS any money.


Some of them do get winter heating allowance - and IMO, the government might wish to re-consider that.


Importing qualified immigrants saves the country the cost of training them.


Exporting pensioners saves the country the cost of looking after them.

I don't get anything other than my social security pensions from the government, no free travel, no free fuel, and neither do many of us. But I kind of like it that way. I worked hard as an electronic engineer, often on call during the early hours when a control system wasn't doing what they paid for, and losing thousands of dollars an hour. I got good pay for it and saved whatever I didn't need for a few nights out a month and two cars, and a home for three kids and eventually their kids whenever they wanted to stay over which was often. So when I retired I took what was coming to me from Uncle Sam, HM the Queen of Great Britain, and Canada, and nothing else.:) I just want to add that I do get raises on my pension from the UK. I currently get around 57 pounds a week, which varies due to the rate of exchange when converted to dollars. Every little helps.
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Another Tory who believes people should work till they drop, these people don't live in the real world. Lord Bichard, 65, a former Whitehall mandarin, sparked fury after telling fellow peers in Parliament that retirees were a “burden on the state” and needed to make “a more positive contribution”.

He suggested ministers start treating them like welfare scroungers who have their benefits cut if they don’t look for work.

Speaking in Parliament, he said the benefits system should be changed to encourage pensioners to not be a drain. So there we have it once people retire they are a drain on the system, I bet he is only talking about the people who receive a state pension not the civil servants who retire with gold plated pensions.



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Just another sad little troll then.

Devoid of any ability to debate in a sensible fashion and makes assumptions about other forum members based on their user name.


Of course, you can prove me wrong; and if you do I will apologise.


Really sorry but do not know what is irritating you I cannot find the "offending" post. Please advise.


PS Was that you buzzing my house yesterday or was it the Police helicopter?


PPS Its a joke.

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