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Work in retirement or received reduced pension!!


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What "stay" were you referring to?

Simple enough question so please answer it.




If I have offended you I apologise, you clearly are a bit sensitive to the rough and tumble of the exchanges on here which personally I thoroughly enjoy. You will note that I have come in for some serious ribbing which I do not mind. I dish it out, I am prepared to take it.


To explain, when I saw the name "Swami" I immediately thought of an Ascetic, a Yogi, of Astral Projection.


My Joke was aimed at envisaging you hovering above us on your astral plane. I never got round to the Yogi bit which, I confess would eventually have led to Bubu and Jellystone Park references.


This forum is brilliant, the contributions challenge our opinions and although I disagree fundamentally with many I wouldnt swap them for the world.


I hope this explains my position, I took the mickey, I will continue to do so whilst I am able. But no serious offence, nothing vindictive or insulting was intended.

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Another Tory who believes people should work till they drop, these people don't live in the real world. Lord Bichard, 65, a former Whitehall mandarin, sparked fury after telling fellow peers in Parliament that retirees were a “burden on the state” and needed to make “a more positive contribution”.

He suggested ministers start treating them like welfare scroungers who have their benefits cut if they don’t look for work.

Speaking in Parliament, he said the benefits system should be changed to encourage pensioners to not be a drain. So there we have it once people retire they are a drain on the system, I bet he is only talking about the people who receive a state pension not the civil servants who retire with gold plated pensions.





More likely to be of the Labour persuasion.


Michael Bichard is a career civil servant best known for his damning 2004 review into the Soham murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman.


He was appointed to lead the inquiry into the murders by his former boss at the Department for Employment David Blunkett.

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Many retired people are already involved in doing volunteer work. We look after the grandkids three days a week, pick them up from school, make sure they get their homework done properly and keep em apart when the sibling rivalry starts getting out of hand



And that is an under rated aspect of what many retired persons do. Well said.

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The trouble is, most older people were led to believe that by paying taxes, they were paying into a kind of 'Christmas Club' which would pay out when the time came.


Now the politicians have let just about anybody dip into their 'Christmas Club' funds, there's not enough money left to go round and idiots like this politician seek to blame those who were misled in the first place.


And it's happening again with this much-vaunted 'pension' scheme. People will pay in and, when they come to retire, will be told there will be no top-ups or benefits - they're all going to those who didn't stump up in the first place.

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What "stay" were you referring to?

Simple enough question so please answer it.


You will find the offending party(RC) is incapable of a spontaneous response and must devote hours to his feeble replies.In Parliament he would be too clumsy for the challenges faced,making Mitt Romney look like Oscar Wilde.

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You will find the offending party(RC) is incapable of a spontaneous response and must devote hours to his feeble replies.In Parliament he would be too clumsy for the challenges faced,making Mitt Romney look like Oscar Wilde.
Any thought of Mitt Romney in Parliament makes me shudder. Then again, we might send him over when he gets unemployed in November.:) You've seen how much he loves UK in some of his recent comments.
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You will find the offending party(RC) is incapable of a spontaneous response and must devote hours to his feeble replies.In Parliament he would be too clumsy for the challenges faced,making Mitt Romney look like Oscar Wilde.


Actually the reason I leave you from time to time is to allow you and the rest of your chums to recover after delivering another chastisement. Im too good for parliament they could not afford me.


BTW comma after (RC), space after first sentence.


Keep it up this is better.

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