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Work in retirement or received reduced pension!!


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Actually the reason I leave you from time to time is to allow you and the rest of your chums to recover after delivering another chastisement. Im too good for parliament they could not afford me.


BTW comma after (RC), space after first sentence.


Keep it up this is better.


If you're going to criticise someone's punctuation you should really make sure your own is in good order. Hint, you're missing several several commas and an apostrophe.



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Gobsmacked, are pensioners really a drain on society? have they not paid into the system all there lifes through taxes?

They have, but it's not enough.

The £5 TRILLION burden of state sector pensions: Laid bare for the first time, £180,000 bill facing every family in Britain


The state pension is a Ponzi scheme, and we all know how they finish up


State pension Ponzi scheme unravels with retirement at 70

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If I have offended you I apologise, you clearly are a bit sensitive to the rough and tumble of the exchanges on here which personally I thoroughly enjoy. You will note that I have come in for some serious ribbing which I do not mind. I dish it out, I am prepared to take it.


To explain, when I saw the name "Swami" I immediately thought of an Ascetic, a Yogi, of Astral Projection.


My Joke was aimed at envisaging you hovering above us on your astral plane. I never got round to the Yogi bit which, I confess would eventually have led to Bubu and Jellystone Park references.


This forum is brilliant, the contributions challenge our opinions and although I disagree fundamentally with many I wouldnt swap them for the world.


I hope this explains my position, I took the mickey, I will continue to do so whilst I am able. But no serious offence, nothing vindictive or insulting was intended.


Thank you for the prompt reply (one of those little jokes you say you're so fond of).

I took your reference to my "stay" as an assumption from you that I was born somewhere other than England and to be frank I remain unconvinced. The jury is out on that one.

I agree with you that this forum can be brilliant. It can also be a "holding pen for the Jeremy Kyle show types" who lack common courtesy and the ability to debate in a reasonable manner. By that I mean answering points put in response to what we say to each other without recourse to insult or totally ignoring valid questions that form the basis of civilised discussion.

Take the mickey by all means, I have very broad shoulders.


Now...please respond to a question I asked much, much earlier. Why do you think that it is not important for the police and governments to uphold and respect the law of the land?

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Im gob smacked by this.




Its the opinion of the life peer Michael Bichard that we should be forced into working in the community when we retire or lose a proportion of our pensions!


Im lost for words!


Very easy to say by somebody will get a platinum pension after spending a lifetime on the public payroll. Let's see all these former Whitehall bigwigs give up some of their pension if they are so concerned about the burden of the cost of pensions.

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Thank you for the prompt reply (one of those little jokes you say you're so fond of).

I took your reference to my "stay" as an assumption from you that I was born somewhere other than England and to be frank I remain unconvinced. The jury is out on that one.

I agree with you that this forum can be brilliant. It can also be a "holding pen for the Jeremy Kyle show types" who lack common courtesy and the ability to debate in a reasonable manner. By that I mean answering points put in response to what we say to each other without recourse to insult or totally ignoring valid questions that form the basis of civilised discussion.

Take the mickey by all means, I have very broad shoulders.


Now...please respond to a question I asked much, much earlier. Why do you think that it is not important for the police and governments to uphold and respect the law of the land?


I think it essential that the Police and Government uphold the law of the land. I also think that all citizens should assist the Police and Government in doing so. Whatever made you think I thought any different?

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I think it essential that the Police and Government uphold the law of the land. I also think that all citizens should assist the Police and Government in doing so. Whatever made you think I thought any different?


First of all, my apologies to the OP and everyone else on this thread. This discussion rightly belongs on the Orgreave thread and I will happily explain why I believe you said things on there that strongly contradict your statement above. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Far be it from me to put words in Chemists mouth but as I understand it, you deserve to get out what you put in, but that won't last very long. Unless you drop dead within "X" years of retirement then you will be taking more than you could possibly have contributed.


Pardon me if I'm not impressed! Might as well chuck missen in front of a train and save everyone a great deal of money! :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think employers need to takecare of the mateer and give special attention in providing reasonable pensions and retirement funds to their employees, as they serve the organization for a long period of time. So, that they can live a happy and healthy life in there old age.

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