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Pitsmoor "oldies" lets get a slap up organised


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Hi there are quite a few Pitsmoor threads on here so don't wanna open a new one but as a result of them I see there is a lot on here who know each other and ain't seen each other for many many years.


Thought I might try and get a big get together one day hopefully in 2013 so we can talk about our days in Pitsmoor

I'm pointing towards folk 50 and over, not like I have any thing against anyone younger its just that probably we won't know them.

Any Idea's lads and lasses, it will be difficult as we all have different lives and live elsewhere but if we can get at least a dozen persuming theres that many still around :hihi: then lets make it happen.

Other idea's are a Pitsmoor lad Skype or facebook any one waat to kick that off, maybe I will do the facebook one.



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