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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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You obviously dont get irony or that i was taking the micky.!

I was saying that while all these stalling tactics are happening then false alibi's have time to be created.


Nice i have a troll of my very own though! I think ill call you susan. !!


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 14:22 ----------


Ive edited the post for you susan to make it clearer for you to understand.



Well you're so full of "little give away's" and irony it's not surprising folk haven't a clue where you stand, you're all over the place.


So, back to the issue. Who would you put in charge of the inquiry as a replacement to Butler-Sloss ?

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Theres only you that seems to struggle!


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 17:38 ----------


As ive said a couple of times there shouldnt be just one person heading this in my opinion.

I think there should be three or four people heading it and sharing all info with each other to make it less prone to cover up.

It really should be a criminal investigation as ive said but as some of those accused will no doubt be connected to the law there has to be more than that.

Maybe a hard nosed investigative journalist in there! Also someone who is involved in victim support with experience of this kind of abuse, and an impartial non political figure that we all recognise?

It looks like it may be political and social suicide to be involved so volunteers will be quite hard to come by. They are going to be upsetting alot of people along the way.

Edited by yellowperil
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Am I right in thinking she also stood down from the Princess Diana enquiry?

The third one to do so before they found a tame one to do it.


You really should stop with this cospiracy round ever corner rubbish...the Flat Earth Scoiety is a hamrlessish website to think such things ;)

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When we have (as has been proven by posters on here) a culture of sexual deviant apologists accusing victims of cash cowing, then it isn't surprising victims have no confidence in coming forward.


As for "lord poncenby smythe" that's an assumption that abuse is meted out by the wealthy and aristocracy only, which is blatantly not so.


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 10:44 ----------



You mean point a finger without evidence? How can you dig deeper if the evidence isn't available? I can't go to my MP..he or she is part of the establishment. I can't go to the Police as they are the same. If I attempt to point a finger without evidence then I'm as likely to end up in a dock on libel charges.


Remember this has been all over the internet for at least 10 years, and has been buried time and time again. This time it's breaking into the mainstream and even Norman Tebbit's admitted to a cover up. I don't think this one is going to go away.


Also many people who decry 'conspiracy theories,' and that would previously have never countenanced even the possibility of such a serious crime happening in high places and government circles, and certainly never for a minute believe the lengths that have been gone to to cover it up, are now seeing that it is all too possible.


And frankly, it follows that if those in power will do that, is there anything they are not capable of?

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Am I right in thinking she also stood down from the Princess Diana enquiry?

The third one to do so before they found a tame one to do it.


She stood down as she'd originally wanted to conduct the enquiry without a jury. When she was told to have a jury she stood down saying she lacked the experience to work with one. The jury decided Diana had been unlawfully killed due to her own and other drivers.


In other words members of public were given the power to decide, hardly supporting your claim Butler-Sloss wasn't tame enough.

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Remember this has been all over the internet for at least 10 years, and has been buried time and time again. This time it's breaking into the mainstream and even Norman Tebbit's admitted to a cover up. I don't think this one is going to go away.


Also many people who decry 'conspiracy theories,' and that would previously have never countenanced even the possibility of such a serious crime happening in high places and government circles, and certainly never for a minute believe the lengths that have been gone to to cover it up, are now seeing that it is all too possible.


And frankly, it follows that if those in power will do that, is there anything they are not capable of?


The Savile case was reported, investigated and buried well before the advent of the internet by the establishment, yet Savile and his co abusers are being hailed as scapegoats for the actions of those within the establishment, to the point that victims have one aim, "compo", not understanding that Savile and co were part of the establishment.


Presently we have such a mess that whoever takes this job really can't win, especially when you have the likes of particular posters defending one set of perverts in favour of another set of perverts simply because one set may have originated from equally humble back grounds or some sort of political persuasion as tit for tat reasoning. Child sex perverts are defined by one thing..they like children, not because they're Tory or labour or part of an establishment. For every one minister there's probably a 1000+ sitting at home watching BB. The multi million dollar child sex industry isn't there to provide entertainment for a few ministers, it provides for the masses.


Jimmy Savile was a working class hero who eventually evaded the law. Why? Because the establishment covered his tracks which he was a part of, hence covering theirs. Do you seriously believe that if this goes right to the top it will be made public? No matter how far up it goes there will always be those conspiracists that will say it goes higher..that being the case what's the point of a multi million pound inquest? It won't protect children other than locking up a few perverts only to be replaced by more perverts. The whole thing is b******t, it's just another form of reality tv with viewers waiting to gasp at each other in disgust with "well, ood've though it was im, cut his balls off", meanwhile kids/victims are being abused while the establishment, media are jockeying for position. We have to put trust in the establishment like we have to put trust in the police, their not perfect but they all can't be perverts surely. If they are then any independent doesn't stand a chance as all evidence will be buried or diluted.


Tell me, If some credible investigative journalist were to be given the task and later found that there was no evidence..would you accept it, or would it be another conspiracy/cover up?

Edited by ronthenekred
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