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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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The only safety for anyone wishing to name names is to do just that. Sitting mps have the best opportunity because they can claim parliamentary privilege.


As has been said several big names in entertainment were named before they were even charged so what is the difference just because the person is an mp? The reason given, that it was to bring forward more victims applies equally to anyone else, no matter what their job.

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The only safety for anyone wishing to name names is to do just that. Sitting mps have the best opportunity because they can claim parliamentary privilege.


As has been said several big names in entertainment were named before they were even charged so what is the difference just because the person is an mp? The reason given, that it was to bring forward more victims applies equally to anyone else, no matter what their job.


MP Geoffrey Dickens did just that when he tried to name names on the Floor of the House in 1983. This was followed by threatening phone calls, burglaries and his name appearing in a multi-killer hit list. His career never recovered either and he died age 63 (nobody seems to know what of.)


Yet still very little came of it...


These people have a coterie of very high up people fiercelyprotecting them who are just as guilty.

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The only safety for anyone wishing to name names is to do just that. Sitting mps have the best opportunity because they can claim parliamentary privilege.


What is the point of PP when Parliament is televised these days? All will be exposed to the media in seconds. :confused:

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For good or ill, it's happened to others in the media who've been proved innocent. Why are parliamentarians any different?


Well as long as some lives are ruined in the process that's alright. Would you be alright with your name being dragged through the mud? Mud like that sticks.

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Guest sibon
For good or ill, it's happened to others in the media who've been proved innocent. Why are parliamentarians any different?


They aren't different. We need to be careful though. It seems that any man over 40 is fair game at the moment. And mud sticks, whether it is warranted, or not.

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