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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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Well as long as some lives are ruined in the process that's alright. Would you be alright with your name being dragged through the mud? Mud like that sticks.


I don't like to see anyone's name dragged through the mud, especially the innocent, but it happens all the time to ordinary people, it's started happening to famous people, why should politicians be above the law?

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Guest sibon
I don't like to see anyone's name dragged through the mud, especially the innocent, but it happens all the time to ordinary people, it's started happening to famous people, why should politicians be above the law?


But you seem to be talking about people being beneath the law. You don't seem to care if innocent people are permanently affected by this fashionable witch hunt.

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Witch Hunt is a very good term to describe how some on this Forum seem to be thinking on this matter...

Next ti will be anyone that works with children is doing it to get thier pervy kicks or similar.



Salem here we come.......

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Witch Hunt is a very good term to describe how some on this Forum seem to be thinking on this matter...

Next ti will be anyone that works with children is doing it to get thier pervy kicks or similar.



Salem here we come.......


As a single bloke with no kids who looks a bit weird I have been conscious to avoid much interaction with kids. That seems a prudent plan now rather than gross over reaction.

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I wonder how many other seedy, putrid and repulsive secrets are buried deep inside government archives?


Probably no where as near, and as much as what goes on behind the closed doors of the common man. Celebrities have become infamous celebrities ironically perpetuating their status through and by the media, but all in all it sells papers. It stifles the need and urgency to put our own houses in order. The news is good that children and the abused are at long last given an ear. Long may it continue.

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Probably no where as near, and as much as what goes on behind the closed doors of the common man. Celebrities have become infamous celebrities ironically perpetuating their status through and by the media, but all in all it sells papers. It stifles the need and urgency to put our own houses in order. The news is good that children and the abused are at long last given an ear. Long may it continue.


The common man doesn't have any power to abuse though. When there are allegations about those in the top government jobs abusing their power to molest many vulnerable kids in state care it's hard to get more serious & urgent.

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The common man doesn't have any power to abuse though. When it's those in the top government jobs abusing their power to molest many vulnerable kids in state care it's hard to get more serious & urgent.


:huh:Try telling that to the victims.


I'm not minimising or ignoring what happens in state institutions, but the result of what happens in them is no different from a man who abuses his child. The common man has as much potential power, if not more, to abuse as a celebrity who plays records for a living..it's also easier for the common man to avoid detection as he or she isn't under the spot light...let's route them all out by continuing to empower the victims eh, regardless of whether a millionaire or a plumber.

Edited by ronthenekred
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For good or ill, it's happened to others in the media who've been proved innocent. Why are parliamentarians any different?


Substitute innocent for not guilty.


---------- Post added 07-07-2014 at 02:01 ----------


They aren't different. We need to be careful though. It seems that any man over 40 is fair game at the moment. And mud sticks, whether it is warranted, or not.


I think it's unhelpful to offer up such an obvious exaggeration.

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