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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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From the rumours I've seen on other forums, the allegations relate to parties involving senior politic figures and rent boys at a London guest house. As far as I'm aware rent boys are not only above the age of consent but have made a conscious decision to sell their bodies for sex.


All very morally dubious but not child abuse, I wouldn't have thought.


I heard they were under-age boys forcibly taken from children's homes, it wouldn't be a 'paedophile ring' if they were over the age of consent, but I suppose we'll see when the public inquiry is done.

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................... but I suppose we'll see when the public inquiry is done.



But, there isn't going to be a public inquiry. Just another 'review'. This business needs to be kept in the spotlight and not be allowed to be swept under the carpet yet again. Apparently, the review's findings will not be completed until after the general election:suspect:

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But, there isn't going to be a public inquiry. Just another 'review'. This business needs to be kept in the spotlight and not be allowed to be swept under the carpet yet again. Apparently, the review's findings will not be completed until after the general election:suspect:


That's the problem, Cameron is trying to use this to his political advantage and will dish the dirt on his political opponents and less on his friends and his own political party; don’t forget this about ministers from 1979 and throughout the 1980s and don’t forget there is an election next year. The investigation should be carried out by the police, MI5 and possibly Interpol and MI6 and in full public view.

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..........The investigation should be carried out by the police, MI5 and possibly Interpol and MI6 .......


:hihi::hihi::hihi: You clearly have more faith in the establishment than I. These will be the very orgs that have kept the evidence from the public for the past, God knows, how long. No doubt they have also used the information in the past for 'leverage' to bolster their own agendas.

I truly hope it is not the case, but I suspect that most statements will be 'judged' to be from 'troublesome' or 'unreliabe' individuals or 'conspiracy theorists'. There may be the odd fall guy in all this (probably already dead), but most will be content in the knowledge that the establishment protects its own.

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I think it's going to be a long, long time before we see any justice for the abused, all the enquiry will do is prolong things until the point where most of the abusers are dead, and as someone pointed out there will probably be the odd fall guy thrown in, I fear that most of the culprits will not be brought to justice . This from Peter McKelvie former child protection manager


"I would say we are looking at upwards of 20 (people) and a much larger number of people who have known about it and done nothing about it, who were in a position to do something about it."


He said the victims, who were "almost exclusively boys", were abused over "many, many years" and were moved around like "a lump of meat".


He added: "I believe that there is strong evidence, and an awful lot of information that can be converted into evidence if it is investigated properly, that there's been an extremely powerful elite among the highest levels of the political classes for as long as I have been alive - I'm 65 now.


"There's been sufficient reason to investigate it over and over again, certainly for the last 30 years, and there has always been the block and the cover-up and the collusion to prevent that happening "





It's heartbreaking stuff, I listened to one persons account of what happened to him on the radio yesterday, the pain in his voice was truly moving.

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These will be the very orgs that have kept the evidence from the public for the past, God knows, how long. No doubt they have also used the information in the past for 'leverage' to bolster their own agendas.


I'd rather trust them than this old bat they've chosen. It seems nobody is happy with her appointment, except the government mmm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2684719/Ex-judElizabeth-Butler-Sloss-lead-wide-ranging-review-cliams-Establishment-cover-child-sex-abuse.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490

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