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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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Depends whos point of view youre looking from as regards her doing the job properly i think.

For the politicians embroiled in this im sure she will do a sterling job, as for justice then i very much doubt it to be honest.


For me this needs handling by a few people not just the one. All open and transparent for all in charge of investigating it so no one person can be tempted to cover anything up.


I cant see how she can possibly be regarded as impartial given her standing within the very establishment she is going to be investigating, never mind her family connections!


She is retired and old, there can be no recourse or punishment of her even if she is found to have covered anything up, they cant sack her can they as she is already retired!

If this goes on for a few years she might not even see it to the end!

It all stinks.

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Depends whos point of view youre looking from as regards her doing the job properly i think.

For the politicians embroiled in this im sure she will do a sterling job, as for justice then i very much doubt it to be honest.


For me this needs handling by a few people not just the one. All open and transparent for all in charge of investigating it so no one person can be tempted to cover anything up.


I cant see how she can possibly be regarded as impartial given her standing within the very establishment she is going to be investigating, never mind her family connections!


She is retired and old, there can be no recourse or punishment of her even if she is found to have covered anything up, they cant sack her can they as she is already retired!

If this goes on for a few years she might not even see it to the end!

It all stinks.


As I've said I'm not a great fan of her but I don;t think we can prejudge what comes out. If what comes out is a whitewash there will be, and rightly so public uproar. But they haven't even started yet, so how can we know?

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As I've said I'm not a great fan of her but I don;t think we can prejudge what comes out. If what comes out is a whitewash there will be, and rightly so public uproar. But they haven't even started yet, so how can we know?


There will be public uproar anyway because people will undoubtedly try and turn the situation to their advantage much to the detriment of others.

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Im pretty sure that some very wrong things are done by people who gain some power, indeed the pursuit of political power seems to go hand in hand with the taste for the type of perversions that are related to having power over people.


Its not that power corrupts, its more those that are corrupted morally seek the power political office gives them.


What really sickened me is that individuals like Frank Ryan express a real desire for it to beTories who are guilty, I dont want anyone to be guilty cos I hope such things havn't happened.


To openly make party political capital out of such events is disgusting.


Last week a poster (who'd been abused himself) posted a list of all those in power who had been convicted for such offenses. The list & the new member along with several related posts promptly disappeared,but not before quite a few of us got to read it & google the names to check them out. There were in fact more Labour members & mps listed than Tory it was pretty ugly, but the point is as someone said, this thing cuts across all parties.

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As I've said I'm not a great fan of her but I don;t think we can prejudge what comes out. If what comes out is a whitewash there will be, and rightly so public uproar. But they haven't even started yet, so how can we know?


So if it takes 5-10 years for the enquiry are we going to start all over again?

Do you think its worth taking that chance?

Do you remember the kids home where they found remains of children in the cellar and shackles etc? Im sure you can,now can you remember who got charged and the outcome? I bet you cant. Things got quickly quashed and a few news stories to take our minds off it and give us something else to concentrate on and we all put it out of our minds.


I wonder if the people accused in this will be named as we go along and prosecuted as things progress or will we have to wait till the end of the enquiry for that to happen? Ive a feeling we wont be finding out much from this if anything at all.

In the time it will take to conduct this enquiry there can be alot of smokescreen stories and things thrown in by government to take our minds off it.

Sounds like a conspiricy theory doesnt it but bear in mind the falklands taking our focus from the miners strikes! It happens and will happen.


Also why an enquiry? If people are named then hand the names to the police and let us all know, like they did in yewtree.

It wasnt the yewtree enquiry was it! You see, its different already and weve not even started.

Makes you think.

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It never ceases to amaze me what people in this country will put up with.


I don't know if it's inertia, timidity, or lack of awareness. Even when we have a strike or demonstration in defence of the working classes, the same working class people come on forums like this to criticize the very people who are marching on their behalf....


What's wrong with people? Can't they see what's happening? Do they want to be ruled by a bunch of corrupt, lying, degenerates with an overweening sense of self-preservation and entitlement; do they want to lose every hard won right and improvement that their forebear's fought so hard for? Why, after the expenses scandal, the obvious corruption, the sucking up to anyone with money, any number of examples of incompetence and failure and now this, do interviewers etc still treat them with reverence and respect, when they so clearly don't deserve it?


People need to wake up. - Good grief, how much worse does it have to get? Stop falling for the hype, the rhetoric, the spin, and do something.


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference."

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