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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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I don't think anyone should be speculating about this at all given it's subject to an enquiry. Is Baroness Sloss the right choice ? Personally I think she isn't because of her family ties. However given all the fuss made about it in the press and her oath as a judge I don't think she will cover anything up that should be reported.


If there is a genuine crime here then those who committed it should be shown no mercy no matter where they sit in the food chain. It's a sick crime but everyone is innocent until proven otherwise which is the main issue I've had with all the mud slinging under Yewtree.


It's not a new type of crime by any means - just we're more aware of it because of things like the internet. Child abuse is vile and anyone no matter who they are who is found guilty of it should be punished not protected because of who they are.


Front page of last Saturdays Times ' Inquiry Judge Hid Claims 0f Bishop's Sex Abuse.'


The story related to a meeting she had with a man named Phil Johnson who had suffered abuse by a number of clergy when he was a choirboy in the Church of England Diocese of Chichester.


She pressured him into leaving out from the report the name of a Bishop involved because she cared about the Church and thought 'The press would love a Bishop' also he was ' very old now.'


It's this paternalistic ( or maternalistic in her case ) attitude which is part of the problem.


Deciding what's appropriate for the general public to be aware of and what's not should not form part of the remit other than in genuine cases of national security.

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So if it takes 5-10 years for the enquiry are we going to start all over again?

Do you think its worth taking that chance?

Do you remember the kids home where they found remains of children in the cellar and shackles etc? Im sure you can,now can you remember who got charged and the outcome? I bet you cant. Things got quickly quashed and a few news stories to take our minds off it and give us something else to concentrate on and we all put it out of our minds.


I wonder if the people accused in this will be named as we go along and prosecuted as things progress or will we have to wait till the end of the enquiry for that to happen? Ive a feeling we wont be finding out much from this if anything at all.

In the time it will take to conduct this enquiry there can be alot of smokescreen stories and things thrown in by government to take our minds off it.

Sounds like a conspiricy theory doesnt it but bear in mind the falklands taking our focus from the miners strikes! It happens and will happen.


Also why an enquiry? If people are named then hand the names to the police and let us all know, like they did in yewtree.

It wasnt the yewtree enquiry was it! You see, its different already and weve not even started.

Makes you think.


Good points.


Butler Sloss has already said she won't be naming names.


Yet in other (celebrity) cases it was said that the accused needed to be named to give other victims the confidence to come forward.


I think in this case, in the absense of anyone else being prepared to do it, the victims should name names.

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So its already different with identities being protected and its not even started yet !


They will all have a chance to get their alibi's together in the meantime.


They need to be named and pictures of how they looked when the alleged abuse took place published so that anyone they might have also abused can come forward.


They may well have abused kids who didnt even know who they were! Easier to recognise a tv star than lord poncenby smythe, a back bencher with no public profile, kids dont know who politicians are generally.

Edited by yellowperil
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What is it you are doing that we aren't doing that we can be doing?


I think people need to delve deeper and do their own research to find out the extent to which we are being lied to, and stop believing the propaganda we are being fed.


We are far too reverential and still believe these people are 'honourable gentlemen.' They should be held to account far more forcibly. This idea that we have elections which do that, is rubbish and has been proved to be not fit for purpose.


We'd better do it soon as the men in grey suits are putting things in place to curb our freedoms like pieces on a chess board. The press and investigative journalism have already had their wings clipped, and the internet will be censored next. What this current scandal is doing is proving how much power they have to suppress things they don't want you to know about.


Get the message out there while you still can. Stop letting them divide us and come together to support each other.


Unity is strength.

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So its already different with identities being protected and its not even started yet !


They will all have a chance to get their alibi's together in the meantime.


They need to be named and pictures of how they looked when the alleged abuse took place published so that anyone they might have also abused can come forward.


They may well have abused kids who didnt even know who they were! Easier to recognise a tv star than lord poncenby smythe, a back bencher with no public profile, kids dont know who politicians are generally.


When we have (as has been proven by posters on here) a culture of sexual deviant apologists accusing victims of cash cowing, then it isn't surprising victims have no confidence in coming forward.


As for "lord poncenby smythe" that's an assumption that abuse is meted out by the wealthy and aristocracy only, which is blatantly not so.


---------- Post added 14-07-2014 at 10:44 ----------


I think people need to delve deeper and do their own research to find out the extent to which we are being lied to, and stop believing the propaganda we are being fed.


We are far too reverential and still believe these people are 'honourable gentlemen.' They should be held to account far more forcibly. This idea that we have elections which do that, is rubbish and has been proved to be not fit for purpose.


We'd better do it soon as the men in grey suits are putting things in place to curb our freedoms like pieces on a chess board. The press and investigative journalism have already had their wings clipped, and the internet will be censored next. What this current scandal is doing is proving how much power they have to suppress things they don't want you to know about.


Get the message out there while you still can. Stop letting them divide us and come together to support each other.


Unity is strength.


You mean point a finger without evidence? How can you dig deeper if the evidence isn't available? I can't go to my MP..he or she is part of the establishment. I can't go to the Police as they are the same. If I attempt to point a finger without evidence then I'm as likely to end up in a dock on libel charges.

Edited by ronthenekred
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I was accused of being one of the apologists when thats not the case.

Its not the victims being afraid to come forward thats the issue im addressing here, its the fact that they may have no idea who their abuser was as they wont have a public profile and kids dont generally know who politicians are anyway.


The lord poncenby smythe comment was a little throw away i must admit but in this case im sure we will see more well connected and well off people under the spotlight really than us mere commoners.

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I was accused of being one of the apologists when thats not the case.

Its not the victims being afraid to come forward thats the issue im addressing here, its the fact that they may have no idea who their abuser was as they wont have a public profile and kids dont generally know who politicians are anyway.


You obviously have no experience of child abuse. You'd be very surprised at the capacity to remember something that was imprinted on your mind while being forced to surrender to perverts. Yes generally kids don't know politicians, but generally children don't get raped or abused so as to have to remember.


The lord poncenby smythe comment was a little throw away i must admit but in this case im sure we will see more well connected and well off people under the spotlight really than us mere commoners.


Apparently us mere commoners spend millions on under-age sex tourism, and child/infant pornography isn't manufactured for the elite, it's manufactured for perverts regardless of blood colour.

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